Saturday, February 1, 2025

The End. Again.

We finished up my brother's apartment yesterday for good. Called the management company, left the key on the kitchen counter and pulled the door shut behind us to lock it. We called the gas and electric companies. Took back his oxygen equipment. Called his credit card company. We don't know where his phone and internet came from (we can't get into his computer or phone because we don't know the passwords), so we couldn't call them.

The attorney was helpful in reinforcing that basically we're doing these companies a courtesy by informing them of my brother's death, but beyond that we have no responsibility. I remind myself of this when I call and they say they want a copy of the death certificate. Yeah, right, I think. I'm not sending that to a stranger, to a corporation. I'm just calling to let you know. You can keep billing him if you want, but don't expect payment. Don't expect a response. Want to send the bill to collections? Great. Go ahead.

Have a nice day.

It was hard saying goodbye to the apartment. My brother lived there for, I don't know how long, at least 15 years, maybe closer to 20. And he died there. And we will never set foot in that place again. I feel like we left some part of him there that we will never be able to reclaim. It's an awful, unsettled feeling. Throw it on the grief pile with all the rest of the feelings, I guess.

Neither of us felt like doing anything else after that, so we came home. Our late lunch/early dinner was takeout food again, banh mi, tofu spring rolls, avocado shake, a sesame ball for Dave. We ate and then got into our pajamas and that was it. It was, like, five in the afternoon. I was done for the day. 

Today is Saturday and I spent the day in my pajamas. Dave baked bread. I sewed for awhile and read and watched part of a movie. We put away the boxes of Christmas decorations. Dave put together a water distiller he ordered. We've been so tied up with my brother's apartment and other concerns since just after Christmas that I feel like the new year just started, only a month late.What a letdown.

I've only cried three times so far today.

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