Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Dave did end up driving home from Denver. He got back around 6:00 p.m. and he stopped by to drop off his suitcase and pick me up so I could go with him to take back the rental car. That meant a trip out to the airport, then a ride on the airport shuttle to retrieve our car from the long-term parking lot, then a nice hike in the 100 degree heat from the airport shuttle drop-off point to where our car was parked in the long-term parking lot. So that was fun.

We rewarded ourselves with dinner out, yummy Greek food. I had a gyros and Dave had a falafel on pita. We shared some saganaki (kasseri cheese (I think--maybe it was haloumi), grilled and then set on fire with ouzo as a propellant and extinguished with a squeeze of lemon juice and eaten with pita) while we waited on our dinner.

We came home via the co-op where we picked up a few things, including some chocolate and a 20-pound watermelon. (I don't eat watermelon, so Dave is going to be eating a lot of watermelon in the coming days.)

By then, we were getting pretty tired, so we came home.

I did a bit more studying, but soon quit in favor of watching some youtube videos of my favorite new comic Stewart Lee. Then I watched a few more things. Then I read for awhile. Then it was, like, 2:30 in the morning. I could not get to sleep! Finally, finally, I did fall asleep and I woke up around 8:00--got up, took my meds, fed the cats, and went back to bed and slept until 1:00 in the afternoon.


I still had a lot of studying to do, but we had to run a few errands. Errand running turned into lunch and errand running, as we started off with a couple of tofu banh mi before going to Target. Target was kind of a zoo, but we made it out of there mostly intact and with a couple of iced coffees from the in-house Starbucks as a reward for being good little consumers.

Home meant hitting the books, which I have been for a few hours now. I'm finally done reviewing the material, now I have to do a quick couple of case studies. After that, I'll review the powerpoint slides for the A&P exam I have in the morning. (I've resigned myself to having to retake the class, but I'm not going to drop it, I'm just going to finish out the semester and see what grade I get. Doesn't mean I'm going to study, really. Just got to keep from failing completely to save my GPA.)

So that's my plan for the evening.

Dave is out picking squash bugs off the squash plants. Lucky him.

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