Saturday, July 23, 2016


Well, Dave made it to Denver late last night, rented a car, and is driving home today. His other option was to take a chance on another flight out sometime tonight, but there was no guarantee and he wanted to get home. He started out around 10:30 this morning and should be home by around 5:30 or 6:00 p.m.

Which kind of sucks, but that's what's happening.


I did not end up going out for fried chicken for dinner last night. While I was casting about for something to have for dinner, I remembered that I had bought some hamburger at the co-op the day before, so I made myself a couple of hamburger patties, a baked potato, and green beans. It was total cafeteria food, but it hit the spot.

A little while after dinner, I worked out to one of the exercise videos online. It was a relatively short walking workout, which is just about my speed right now. Unfortunately, it was enough to get me revved up and so I ended up going to bed quite late.

Yes, of course I slept in this morning. I woke up around 10:30, put the kettle on, and went out in my pajamas to water the garden and patio. (The squash bugs have destroyed one of our squash plants which makes me mad. I hate those stupid things. If I didn't think it would harm the bees, I would bomb the squash bugs with all kinds of noxious chemicals to get rid of them.) After watering, I came back in, made tea, and sat down to study. And that's what I've been doing for the last few hours. I finished one of the two chapters that I'd like to finish today. It was a short chapter and the next one is longer. Much longer. It's going to be slow going.

I need to get a shower in and do a few chores around the house before Dave gets home. I want to change the sheets on the bed, do some dishes, and run Roomba. That short list of chores seems so daunting! Maybe I'll just read a bit more from one of my new books and then go back to studying.


Carol said...

I woke up that late, too. And now I have no energy to do anything today.

Some weird bugs are eating my hibiscus!

Hope Dave has a safe drive home.

Okay I'm heading back to bed to read.


Rosa said...

Hi, Carol! Hope your Sunday is going great!

Yeah, sleeping in saps my energy, too. I desperately need to finish some homework though. Ugh. :(