Monday, December 24, 2007

The Road

The Road Not Taken

Congratulations to Kelly on her year anniversary (with a scar, bragging rights, and your life as unique souvenirs of an Argentinian trip that could have gone in a whole different direction).

The Photo

Here's another photo of the oxbow, taken the day after Thanksgiving. I could have posted a photo from today's foray to the oxbow, but I didn't actually go. I was all ready to go, sitting at the computer, dressed to leave the house, waiting for Dave to get ready, and then my energy level just dropped. I mean, I felt like someone had just pulled the plug on my reserve tank. I told Dave I wasn't going on the walk, then I lay down on the bed and went out like a light.


My energy level is at an all-time low at the moment, has been for a few weeks now, which is the same thing that happened to me last year about this time. I’ve neglected my B-12 supplements recently, so I’ve gone back to those which seems to help a bit. And I’ve gone back to yoga, which seems also to help. But despite these two remedial steps, I still have some moments when I feel like something that lives under the sofa. Or wants to.

As a result, when I’m not popping B-12 or going to yoga, I seem to be napping. Okay, so that’s not actually true. I have been walking with Judi and Kelly, and walking Leah’s dog once or twice or three times a day. So, yeah. There has been some activity level maintenance. I’m not in the completely sedentary range. But I’ll tell you, most of that activity is propped up by big, big, way big ol’ cups of java. Basically what that means is that inside my flagging exterior is a heart with a beat like a Sousa march.

It was all brought to the fore by talking with my friend Ellen about her oncologist, a woman who is head of the department, sees patients, has recently started up a website designed so that women with cancer can find reputable information online, and, even while she is doing all that, she still finds time to practice classical guitar and perform professionally. I mean, seriously. Who has that kind of ambition? Oh yeah, successful people.

Me? I’m, like, eating breakfast tires me out.

Hell, even Ellen has returned to the pottery studio and is planning a trip to Mexico next month to go snorkeling. Where does anyone get the energy?


Google searches:

Chile: buy-me-a-drink" bar tokyo

Seriously: What?

England: chikan pictures

Yes, again.

Japan: Unagi pai English

Yes, the search came from Japan. I don't understand this one. Couldn't you just ask someone for a translation? Unagi is eel. Pai is pie. Enjoy.

Canada: fuzoku host clubs

Fuzoku are prostitutes who work mainly in soaplands (bath houses) in Japan. Looks like some Canadian is planning a little Japanese sex tour of his own.

Poland: chikan pics tokyo

Yes. Again.

UK: tokyorosa and wako handbags

Do I know you, my little UK searcher? Tokyorosa is an awfully specific search term, I think. Ben? Is that you? Muji? Masakazu? Hmmmm.

Qatar: shigoto gambatte translation

I'm not really sure what this means all put together. Shigoto means work. Gambatte means "do it" and is often used in a motivational way, more like a "good luck!" or "you can do it!" kind of way. But I've never heard "shigoto gambatte" used.

Malaysia: chikan pictures molest

Yes. Again.

And my favorite:

US: judi vibrator movies

Seriously? Judi vibrator movies?

See, I've typed in some Google search terms in my time. I mean, I just looked at some of my recent searches to find "black belly japanese" and "german shit." But I find it amusing that these random-seeming searches all lead back to me.

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