Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Crunch Baby

Crunch Baby
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa

This ugly little thing is Crunch's babydoll. Or, well, it was Crunch's babydoll. A few days before Judi left, she and I found this ugly thing while walking Crunch in the park. We let him play with it but because it obviously had another owner, much to Crunch's dismay we set it on a park bench and left it. A couple of days passed and the babydoll was still sitting on the bench, so I let Crunch retrieve and play with it. He carried it all the way home but I wouldn't let him bring it into the house (I've seen the Chucky movies, you know). Instead, I put it on the steps in front of the house. For two days, everytime we left the house he'd take it from the steps and carry it by its head all the way to the park, play with it there, and then carry it all the way back from the park. After two days, he carried it to the park and put it down and never looked back at it. Someone else placed it on its current perch atop the dog-doo bag dispenser and I took its picture.

Creepy, isn't it?

Here's a photo of Crunch chewing on the babydoll's head:My Crunch


Lu and I had a session with a personal trainer at the gym this morning. (I was five minutes late because I had no cash and stopped at the bank to find neither ATM working. I stopped at one convenience store that didn't have an ATM (so much for convenience), then another that did have an ATM that charged me a $2.00 fee to withdraw my own money. Fucking banks. Ugh.) Anyway, I arrived late, but not terribly, and we had a great session with a trainer named Doreen, who is one of those fatless, muscular gym-beings just this side of woman, but very friendly and bright eyed. She designed a four-day lifting routine for us that I can't wait to get started on.


Dave and I had blunch today with The Newbie and her mama and the mama's friend and the mama's mama. There are pictures, of course, but they're on Dave's new camera. So, next time: The Newbie photos.

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