By & By, American Pie
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa
There's a photo of Dave and my post-dinner dilemma: Pie or cookie?
So why not both? Okay, we'll take both and, of course, a diet Coke for me. I wouldn't want too much sugar in my diet.
Yes, when I was waitressing I used to scoff (but only inwardly because I was young then and not yet openly bitter) at those people who would come into the restaurant and order a hot fudge sundae and a diet Coke. Once, a woman, acknowledging the ridiculous nature of this, her order, said, "I know, I know. But I like the taste of diet Coke." I used to drink about a liter of regular Coke per day (yes, it was free while I was working and yes, I weighed well over 300 pounds then) and the very taste of diet Coke made me want to scrape a layer of taste buds off my tongue off with a rock.
But such is the nature of karma that now, years later, I stand before the tragically hip, overly tattooed counter help at the Flying Star Cafe and risk the rolling of eyes by asking for pie and diet Coke.
I like the taste of diet Coke. Sue me.
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