Thursday, September 4, 2008


I haven’t been writing much for the blog. Most of what I’ve written over the past several days has been sent to The New York Times online. Why have I been sending my best stuff to the Times? Because apparently, John McCain has gone nuts. I’m just way too exhausted to give you a full explanation, but here is a snippet from one of the many, many bits of writing I’ve sent in:
How much more evidence do we need that Sarah Palin is completely unfit for national–and international–politics?

Ms. Palin represents everything about America that has, over the last eight years, made us the laughingstock of the rest of the world: She is provincial and proud of it, poorly educated, and small minded. She is arrogant, petty, and vindictive. She is intolerant of differences and filled with excessive pride in her insignificant achievements.

I am one of those registered independent women who considered voting for McCain after Clinton conceded the nomination. But now just the sight of Palin's smug visage turns my stomach. I'll hold my nose and vote for Obama before I vote for any ticket that carries Palin's name.

Ah, politics. Did you hear that it's an election year?

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