Girl & Monstah
Originally uploaded by Tokyorosa
Here's a crappy cell phone photo of part of a pattern for the Girl & monster tea towel embroidery series. Yes, she's got a little sailor outfit on. Yes, that is a cephalopod on a leash. He don't look too happy, neither, does he? You can't see it, but she's stepping on one of his tentacles.
Today, Shopping
Today is Dave's last day of vacation. For the last week or so, he's been sleeping late everyday and then working the studio until the middle of the night. As a result, his sleep schedule went all upside down and in order to fix it, he had the bright idea to stay up for about thirty-six hours. Last night, he worked at the studio all night and then planned to stay awake all day until he has to go to bed this evening. I'm surprised, but he's actually managed to make it through most of today--with copious amounts of coffee of course.
Knowing how difficult it is to stay up all night and then make it through the next day, I've done my part to keep him away from soft, horizontal surfaces by getting him out and about to run errands with me. We started out by going out for breakfast burritos and lots of coffee, then we went to K-Mart (for Martha Stewart's flour sack towels and...what else? Let's see...oh yeah, tracing paper). After that, we stopped by the auto parts store for a tail light bulb for the car. Then we had a coffee at S'bux before heading up to the cheap hippie-dippy grocery store where we bought two different kind of chips, canned pinto beans, some granola-ish bars, and a bunch of frozen stuff. After we dropped off our groceries, we went back out to the ghetto grocery that's a couple of blocks from the casita.
The ghetto grocery smelled really strange, like someone was breading random things and deep frying them. But we needed a few things that we couldn't find at any of the various hippie groceries we frequent. Apparently hippies aren't interested in consuming cream of mushroom soup or diet soda. The diet soda is for me, but Dave is hell-bent on making a green bean "hot dish" (I'm sorry, Minnesotans, but I can't not use quotation marks around those two words because the rest of us out here in the real world just call them casseroles) and of course he needed cream of mushroom soup. (Oddly enough, we did find the fried onions at the hippie grocery store. Yes, they're organic. Organic fried onions in a can. That--and gas-guzzling SUVs--are the reason that many Americans are going to hell.)
What else was I going to tell you about today?
Oh, I guess that's it.
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