Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away

Here are things that made me happy yesterday:

I went for a walk down by the river with Kelly First and Kevin and my super dog Lewie. We saw some kind of hawk perched in a tree and what was probably a beaver slide (a spot where a beaver climbs out of the river onto the bank and then slides back into the river). And we saw thousands and thousands of crane footprints on the river bank. And there was some crane doody there, too. We also saw a handful of cranes. I was trying to think of what number of cranes is a lucky number of cranes, but then I realized that any number of cranes is a lucky number of cranes.

After that amazing walk, I went to lunch with Dave and Griffin. I hardly ever get to see Griffin, which is unfortunate because he is one of my favorite people on the planet. He's one of the few people I know who can make me laugh so hard that I wheeze or snort or worse. Yesterday, he was full of hilarious stories about his trip to Yellowstone and about taking his two young sons to the dentist.

Oh, yes, and one other thing that made me happy is that I got a lot of stuff done yesterday besides walking and lunch. I went to the post office and used their new self-serve package mailing machine to mail two packages for Dave. (Yes, they were birthday gifts for members of his family who had birthdays in October, but so what?) Have you tried this new system at the post office? Man, talk about easy. I was really, really happy when the woman showed me the machine that allowed me to bypass the long line to mail a package via a postal worker. After getting that done, I went off to mecca (read: Target) to buy Christmas wrapping and some other necessary stuff like toothpaste and mouthwash. I also splurged a little on a pair of pants and a shirt for myself, and on the new Beyonce CD. (No, I'm not a huge fan of Beyonce, but I do like a couple of the songs on the CD.)

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