Sunday, April 26, 2009


Edward George Blevins III

From a diary entry that I wrote more than fifteen years ago:

"Watched Ed play Simon Says with himself all day today."

Ed was my ex-marine drinking buddy. We used to work together. I remember the day he played Simon Says with/by himself. Everything he did that day was preceeded by a "Simon says." Everything. He'd say it, and then rush to do even the most mundane task with a joyful glee that had me bent over double with laughter all day.

I miss Ed. He could pull off a thing like that like nobody's business.


Gina said...

Where's Ed? Did you guys just lose contact or?

PS, glad your niece is doing good in her chem class. She's going into nursing right?

Rosa said...

Yes, I lost contact with Ed after he ran off to join the Army. (This was after he left the Marines.) I put his full name up there thinking he might Google himself and make contact...

All those people I've lost contact with...sigh...

Yah, my niece is going to go to nursing school. She's very compassionate, so I think she'll be great at it. (But she's also only 19, so maybe she'll change her major a million times like I did...)

Gina said...

I changed my major once. Started out a psych major and switched to early childhood education.

If your niece is compassionate, she'll make the best nurse.

I think a bit of the people I lost contact with too. I found one of my ex's online last year. It was REALLY weird, he has gotten older (same age as me) and had a picture of him and his daughter. She was a really beautiful little girl. I didn't say anything or contact him. I think it's best the way it is. But it was nice to see he had a nice life, wife and family. No regrets though at all.: )

Life gets so busy I think and that's how I lose contact and touch with people. : (

Rosa said...


I agree with you 100% about not contacting the ex's. The same thing happened to me--and I did exactly what you did. The guy is remarried with a stepkid and a kid of his own now. I was kind of sad, but happy that he's happy.