Before mac'n'cheese:
Pensive, no?
Here comes the mac'n'cheese:
After mac'n'cheese:
Happiness--and a big, cheesy grin, like this one:
Children are so easy, aren't they? A little mac'n'cheese is all it takes, right?
Lewie is very happy with his new chicken, but I have to tell you that if you don't know what he's playing with, and you only hear (and can't see) the chicken, you will think that Lewie is horking up his lunch. See?
Is that you Rosa..boy you got short awfully fast! "giggles" Sorry I have not been by recently, just got in from vaycay, DH took another vaycay and trying to catch up today (Friday) before the weekend, and I can attest that life is not HAPPY with this little monster- wish she would grow up already, ah and see why I would never have kiddies, I love my sleep and time too much, dogs are already too much for me so please help me if I ever become a bento making mama (think I'll shoot myself)... what ever happened to shoving money in their pocket and sending them off to buy lunch.. hell I remember schools lunch was gourmet..hell ya-- tangent, tangent.
Can you see what this little CUTE Monster is bringing out in me, frustration and more reality that I don't need kids to validate my life...
She is so hyper Rosa, hyper, yeah she's cute, when she's asleep.
Lewie is your baby, his he more an outside family pet or indoor pet? Ah.. so nice, your dog is content and quiet.
Have a fab weekend chica!
Your new avatar is fabulous! Love it. Where do you find these things?
A vacation?? What's that?? I'm so jealous. I hope it was fabulous and that you came home happy and tan--or at least tan!
What did you do with your pups while you were away? Just leave them with a bag of food and a big dish of water?
Lewie's sadly not my pup. I'm taking care of him for friends who are on VACATION. (The whole world is on vacation. Everyone but me. Boo-hoo!!) He's a great dog, but he's got the worst gas in the world. And of course that means that he loves to sleep on the bed with me. Ugh. I have to wear a gas mask practically.
Welcome back from vacation!!
You know I had to find a way to combine food and fashion, I have a few friends that are mag photographers, so if I am lucky enough I can snag them... lol
Oh Rosa, we were not on that kind of vaycay- Tan, me tan, I am as white as white is white- I slather on spf 50, we took them to the doggie hotel "sigh" an expense but not too bad, we stayed locally in Japan (well nationally) I was a bit paranoid and canceled our plans to Hawaii with the whole "FLU" situation, I thought better to be safe and keep hand sanitizer at the front door.. haha
We just bounced to two hotels and ordered room service, and I shopped, we went to the movies and saw three in one day I missed doing that so much.
We did get a refund for our tickets though, and had a hard time finding rooms avail at the hotel but it was bliss to sleep in and get the hell away from Miss Monster...
Talk about gas.. my whole house smells like Farts! How can a little thang like Chloe produce such toxic gas... man
Well I am slumming it at home on Friday night, rented a movie, got my workout done.
I hope you can vacation soon, even a night a way is nice.
Have a fab weekend Rosa.
Sounds heavenly even if it was *only* hotels and shopping and movies! (That's actually more my speed vacation-wise...)
I hope you have a great weekend, too!
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