Monday, November 16, 2009

Things and More Things

I don't even know where to begin.

With this, maybe:

Judi and Paul brought these back from their trip to Croatia. They're 1/3 shots of espresso and chocolate in a little sealed container. You pierce them with a straw, provided, and sip out the caffeinated nectar like a little hummingbird.

They're quite addictive.

And there is this:

That photo goes with this photo, I guess:

And with this one:

Let me explain.

That looks like a cell--a kind of hellish cell--but it's actually my studio space. I mentioned before that I had been exiled from the studio (for the conditions of exile, see Dave), but recently I returned. I took over half of a studio space. Dave occupies the other half.

The photos above are of some of the things on my set of shelves, things that I left behind years ago when I left the studio, among them my sirenas and my copy of the complete works of Shakespeare.

I'm doing some new things now, including some experiments with embroidery on clay.

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