Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trashed Hands!

My hands are trashed! As I type this, I'm wearing a pair of vinyl gloves filled to the brim with Un-Petroleum Jelly and Bag Balm. Why are they trashed? Because of this:

Looks harmless, no? But when I'm carving, I use my fingers a lot to smooth out the clay and the sand in the clay trashes my fingertips, like smoothing out stucco would. Today I carved for about five hours straight. Christmas is coming, yo!

Which is why I can't show you any completed work. And it is pretty gorgeous stuff, let me tell you.

Instead, I led off this entry with a photo of the impromptu altar I've assembled in my studio space. You can see that it's filled with reference books and clay mermaids and other bits and bobbles.  (If you click here, you go to my flickr page which has notes about the altar elements.)

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