Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here's why I shouldn't be left alone:

I just finished my third fried chicken meal in as many days. Ugh. So grease laden. Is this what it's like to live a carnivore's lifestyle?

Yes, Dave is still out of town.

I spent about four hours at the studio today, glazing. Glazing. Glazing. Glazing.

Here are a couple of photos I took of the area behind the studio:

These are the gas kilns. The one on the right doesn't work. Hasn't worked in the ten or so years I've been associated with this particular studio. The one on the right is brand spanking new. Just built a few months ago and taken for a very low fire spin only once. See how there's a line of black soot just below the peak of the arch? That should probably not be there; it's a crack that goes through to the interior of the kiln.

This is the tree where peacocks sometimes come to roost in the evening. Beneath the tree is the inevitable detritus of a very messily run studio.

Paradise, no?

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