Friday, May 21, 2010

Just A Few Snapshots

Yes, David and I are in New York City.
No, that is not a black and white cookie. That is a platter by a famous potter named Jun Kaneko. No, we did not see it in New York City, we saw it in Philadelphia, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Here are a few more highlights from our trip so far:

Chelsea Market, which is not underground, it just looks like it oddly. The shops and restaurants are on the first floor, the Food Network studios are on the floors above. No, we did not see Rachel Ray there today.

Apple Dumpling

This is an apple dumpling from the Dutch Eating Place. We ate two of these in two days, with heavy cream poured over the top. These are awesome.

2010-05-20 14.12.57.jpg

This is the best looking woman in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

All these were taken with my new phone and emailed to my flickr account. You can see more photos there, if you like.

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