Sunday, March 29, 2015

Girl Scout Cookies!

I had a bit of a rough night, didn't get to sleep until after 2:00 and kept waking up, once because I had an unsettling dream that made me feel terrible. It was one of those dreams that made me glad we don't live in a 30th floor apartment with a balcony. It was so strange. The only part that I remember was walking back to someplace along a road at night. It was pitch black out and I only had a dim flashlight to light my way, and I kept shining it at oncoming cars. I passed an irrigation ditch and thought, I'm only halfway back. Then I woke up and lay there feeling awful.

I did get back to sleep. I had another dream about cleaning out the refrigerator. (Which needs to be done, but still.)

What would Freud do with that, I wonder.

I finally got up around 10:30, just a few minutes after Dave. I took my medication and then, while I waited the requisite hour, we set up our worm composter and found a shady spot for it on the patio. We had to wet down and mix up some coir (coconut fiber), pumice, shredded paper, and soil from one of our planters. Then we mixed in about three cups of food scraps into one corner. Lucky worms are starting off with some asparagus trimmings, strawberry leaves, broccoli stems, and a bit of carnival squash, all chopped up. Yum, yum. Now we're supposed to let it sit for a few days before we add some worms. I can't wait.

By then, the hour had passed and I was getting a bit grumpy because I was hungry. Dave always does this thing where I say I need to eat and he starts listing all these things that we could cook that will take thirty minutes to an hour to prepare. But when I say I need to eat, I mean I need to eat now or I'm going to pass out. So I fried up some eggs and made toast and put the leftover pasta salad on the table. Five minutes. Done. Dave made coffee and chopped up some tomatoes and we sat down to breakfast.

Our pilates class was early today, 1:15 instead of our usual 5:00 pm or later, so we both took showers and changed into workout clothes and by then it was time to leave.

The class was fun, but exhausting. I don't feel sore or hurt, just...completely wasted. My abs are tired. My quads are tired. My shoulders are tired.

We went by the studio after class and worked awhile, but I was feeling tired and when I'm tired I get a little sarcastic and mean. (Or a little more sarcastic and meaner.)
I worked the least on this little piece, but I do like how the eyes are coming out, so there you go.
As soon as Dave was finished trimming the bowls he threw yesterday, we walked Crunch and then came home to have a snack (blueberries and yogurt with a little bit of cereal and, for me, omega-3s and honey mixed in). 

Then we did something we never, ever do: We went to Wal-mart. I had to pick up a new chair for the studio and my mother told me they had $20 office chairs there, so we went and got one. We also picked up a new trashcan for the studio and, at the checkout stand, we ended up--me, I did it--putting a bag of some awful cheesy puff snack thing in the basket. They were terrible, artificial cheese and salt flavored, but we ate about half the bag on the way home. Oh, and what else did we get at Wal-mart? Girl Scout cookies!

There was a troop selling cookies out in front of the store, and I mostly bought them out of...sympathy, I guess. I used to be a Girl Scout and I used to have to sell Girl Scout cookies and I hated it. So now I always buy a few boxes when I see the Girl Scouts out hawking them, simply because I know how much it sucks to have to sell them.  We used to have to sell four cases of cookies--48 boxes--to get our badges, so that's what I aimed for. There were other little prizes for the girls who sold more, but I never cared about those. I would sell enough to get my badge. I was never a good salesperson. So I guess it's good that I learned that about myself through the Girl Scout cookie program.

So that was our little trip down memory lane courtesy of a box of Thin Mints and one of Trefoils.

We came home and I changed immediately into my pajamas. Dave went off to call his family, then to practice his clarinet, so I hopped on the computer and watched some youtube videos. We had a late dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and salad. It was all very healthy, but of course now I hear those boxes of cookies calling my name.

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