Saturday, March 28, 2015

S as in Saturday

This morning, I got up at a reasonable hour, 6:45 or so. Poor Saba snuck out last night while Dave was bringing Gray Kitty in, so she was very anxious to come inside after spending the night out. Poor thing ran straight to the food bowls and started to hoover up kibble like she had been starving for weeks. I gave her half a can of wet food and a few treats and after awhile she settled down.

Dave got up around 8:00. I put together some breakfast (yogurt and berries with some seven-grain cereal mixed in) and coffee for us. I had my breakfast and, after, felt sleepy enough to take a nap! 

I woke up again around 10:30 to find a text message from my mother letting me know that she was leaving town. She was driving to a nearby town to visit with a friend. I asked her to text me when she arrived. Dave's early clarinet lesson had been moved to the afternoon, so we lazed about for awhile. When I finally got into the shower, Dave went off to get some cat food from the veterinarian's office. (Yes, our spoiled little kitties get a special diet food that we can only get with a prescription. Honestly though that's not all they eat. They also get another kind of dry food that they have access to all day and they get canned food twice a day. They also get treats pretty much on demand. Being cats, they're not the least bit grateful for it, either. They just take it as their due.)

Our CSA box arrived while I was in the shower so Dave brought it in and unpacked it. Now our fridge is bursting with even more vegetables. We got salad mix, peppers, zucchini, onions, lots more greens, snow many things.  Now there's the race to get them all finished before they go bad. We'll soon have the worm farm up and cranking through a few of the leavings and peels and such. That should be fun.

We finally got out of the house around noon. We drove through Starbucks for lattes then went to the studio. I worked all afternoon on glazing and underglazing a few things that came out of the last bisque kiln. Dave threw pots on the wheel for awhile then went off to his lesson. When he came back, he finished off what he was throwing (mostly small bowls as per my request) and we packed up. We spent about five hours at the studio in total. I meant to take photos of what I accomplished but had left my phone at home on the charger.

While we worked, Judi and Paul came out to say hello. Of course Crunch followed them out and got lots of pets. I don't know why he does it, but he often lies down right behind my chair so that I can't move an inch without worrying about rolling over him. (I did once on accident and pulled out a hank of his fur, poor thing.) Judi tells me to tell him to move, but I don't. (It's his studio, too. He can lie wherever he wants to.) She also doesn't like it when I step over him to get somewhere; She says that's how accidents happen. So now whenever she's around and I go to step over him, I tell him we're going to play our death-defying Evel Knievel game. After I've successfully stepped over him, I tell him, "We laughed in the face of death, Crunch!"  (But really, I know it would be serious for Judi and Paul if they tripped over him; they have six hip replacement operations between the two of them, so falling on the concrete floor of the studio would be no joke.)

We came home via the co-op because I had forgotten to pick up a few things on our list yesterday (lemons, sugar, mayonnaise, cat food) and of course we had to get some chocolate. We also picked up an extra bag of whole wheat fusilli and a jar of salt-free pasta sauce for later in the week. I also decided to get a kind of face cream that is made simply of olive oil and beeswax. I'm going to try it out and see if it helps to alleviate my dry skin.

Oh, and my Lane Bryant order arrived today. I was getting a little antsy about it as I ordered it nine days ago. (Amazon's two-day shipping has me spoiled.) It's four bras and a t-shirt that wasn't as purple on the website as it is in real life. (I got it for $9 though, so if it's hideous on, I'll just turn it into a studio shirt.) Anyway, like every woman on the planet, I hate trying on bras, even in the privacy of my own home, so I put them aside for the moment.

While we were gone, my mother had texted to let me know she arrived safely. I also got a text from our pilates teacher confirming our class tomorrow. Too many texts! Oh, but that reminds me, I've been tutoring Judi in texting and today she said it's a good thing I have been because she was able to stay up to date via text with Paul's daughter and son-in-law recently without feeling like she was intruding on them with a phone call during a stressful time. Yay, technology!

So, after putting away our groceries, Dave and I made dinner. We had a kind of vegan pasta dish that we haven't had in a long time. I forget where we even got the idea from originally. Maybe a cooking show or one of our vegetarian cookbooks? I don't know. Anyway, it's pasta (we used whole wheat fusilli), pan-fried tofu, and sauteed asparagus with a tahini-garlic-lemon dressing. We topped it this time with chopped tomatoes. My favorite part is the tofu, which gets crisp on the outside and chewy inside if you leave it to fry long enough. Also, I just happen to love tofu. (I can eat it straight out of the package. Something about the wet cardboard taste it has makes me happy.)

After dinner, I changed into my pajamas, got into bed, and surfed the net. I sent a couple of emails, looked at some blogs, that kind of thing. My back is not feeling great because I spent too much time sitting at the studio. I have to remember to get up and stretch from time to time.


Carol said...

Oh now I remember what I had posted and didn't post.

It was about bras. And how after my daughterinlaw told me about reddit's a bra that fits page, I was over the moon! Finally, bras that fit! I get mine on line since US bra places suck. I also found some on special at

Rosa said...

I've heard about the reddit spot, but I've never checked it out. Hopefully they'll have some good info. I've never heard about 6pm, but I think it might be a danger, danger, Will Robinson site for me because the first thing that came up were shoes and I loooove to buy shoes I'll never wear!