Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Assemble an Away Team

We saw the last of our rain last night. It might make a reappearance early next week, but we'll be climbing into the mid-80s on the weekend. Summer is almost here!

I had a few housekeeping things to do today, so I did that stuff, and then I called and managed to move up my doctor's appointment from July to early June. So yay. After that I made the mistake of binge watching a few episodes of Louie. That show is devastating. I know better than to run episodes together, but then there's part two or three right there in front of me and I can't help myself. I finished up season four though, so now it will be another year or so until there are more episodes.

While I watched Louie, I had the front door open so that the cats could come in and out.  I shut it fairly quickly though because a couple of big flies also figured out that they could come in. I shooed the flies out and closed the screen. The cats either meow or slide their claws down the glass (which makes a horrible screeching sound) when they want to come in.

When Dave came home from work, we went outside and fed the worms. (Well, he did. I watched.) We started a second tier not too long ago and I think we'll soon have to start a third as the first two are rapidly filling up. We're also talking about starting a worm annex in a bin because we have got a huge, thriving population of little wormies. We offered to give some to our pilates instructor, but she's terrified of wriggly, slithery things like snakes or worms, so I don't think that's going to pan out. Dave is also ordering his mother a worm composter for mother's day (she knows and wants one), and we'll send an Away Team with that. Spreading the wormy love.

After we finished that and had a quick snack ourselves, it was time to go to pilates. It was a tiring class today. I felt really weak. It didn't help that the pilates instructor keeps the heat in the studio cranked up. I started sweating before we even got started.  But we muddled (and puddled) our way through.

Judi was absent again, so when we got home I gave her a call. Turns out she came home from her recent trip to California with a head cold and what the doctors think is probably Lyme disease from a tick bite she got out there. Can you believe it? Awful. So I think she's going to be out of commission for awhile.

While I was talking to her, Dave put together dinner. We had beans with some fixin's (chopped jalapeno, onion, and tomato). He had a quesadilla and I had one of our leftover taco shells from last night crumbled over mine. Then I added up my points for the day and realized that I was way under, so I fixed a bowl of yogurt with frozen blueberries and a bit of our Kashi seven-grain cereal. Yum!

Just as we were sitting down to eat, I got a text from my mother. For the last week, she and my aunt have been on a road trip to San Diego and they were just getting into New Mexico. She'll have to swing by here to pick up her keys (I've been picking up her mail and newspaper), so I offered to take her home from here since my aunt still has a ways to go to get back to her house. Now I'm waiting for them to get here. It'll probably be another hour or so.


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