Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Accidental Borscht

We had more rain last night and throughout the early afternoon. It was quite gloomy early on, but in the late afternoon the clouds cleared away and there were sunny, clear, blue skies. That didn't last long. An hour later, the clouds rolled back in and it started to rain again.

In the last several years, crazy weather always seems to bring on headaches. Most of my life I went without having headaches. Seriously, if I had a headache every two or three years, that was a lot. I could go five years or longer without ever having a headache. Now I get them often. I imagine some of it is hormonal, but I also get them when the weather changes. I'm not a big fan of taking anything for headaches, so I usually just have a little caffeine. It doesn't really help, but I do like caffeine.

I used the cold, gray, rainy day as an excuse to make soup. Not that I really need an excuse to make soup, but it matched the day. What started out as a generic vegetable soup ended up being a kind of accidental borscht because of what we had in the fridge (onions, garlic, celery, beets, potatoes, and green cabbage). I've never made borscht before, even accidentally, so that was exciting. It was tasty topped with some Greek yogurt in place of sour cream and chopped up chives from the garden. To up the protein content I mixed in some canned garbanzo beans, too. That was lunch for me and dinner for me and Dave.

We had a rather late pilates class today, too. It was extra tiring after a lazy day. Our instructor was somewhat subdued, too, which is unusual for her. Usually she's a little dynamo.

We came home and I had a post-pilates snack (soy nut butter on low-sodium bread). It was already almost 9:00 p.m., so I just changed from my workout clothes to my pajamas.

Now I'm checking out some online celebrity gossip sites, just looking at garbage and making snarky comments about the rich and famous. This is what I do instead of learning a second language.

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