Saturday, May 2, 2015


I got up around 7:00 this morning and would have gladly rolled over and gone back to sleep, but I had to get up and take my meds and feed the cats. By the time that stuff was done, I was awake.

Dave had a clarinet lesson in the late morning, so while he went off, I took a shower and got dressed. When he came home, I suggested Japanese food for lunch. We went to our favorite place, Kokoro. I had tonkatsu and he had curry. (I'm on a white rice high now. I love that stuff, but man is it deadly.) There was a little old Japanese lady in the restaurant having lunch with her family. The young man who runs the front of the house solo is the college-aged son of the owner. He's half-Japanese, half-American, but he speaks Japanese fluently. Today he was speaking very politely in Japanese to old lady, something I only ever hear him do with his mother (the owner).

After lunch, we headed over to the studio. I started a new sculpture, a two-headed bust, based on one of the ideas I had while journaling the other day. I thought: If there were two of me, then we wouldn't have to share. So that's my new sculpture. Today I got as far as the necks, but tomorrow I'm hoping to get the heads done.

We came home around 4:00. We put away laundry and fed the cats. Around 5:00, I started to get hungry again, so I made a repeat of last night's dinner (garbanzo bean salad on toast with steamed broccoli on the side). It was very tasty, but now I think I'm glad we're out of leftover garbanzo bean salad since I had it for dinner, then breakfast, then dinner again.

After dinner we started a new decluttering run based on our old scheme (one item on day one, two items on day two, and so on). This time, we took out Dave's 20-sided dice and each day we're going to each get rid of the number of the things that we roll. Today, Dave rolled a 10 and we each got rid of 10 things. My things were mostly old magazines. Dave got rid of magazines and some old clothes.

When we finished that, Dave went outside to plant some of the little plants we got at the nursery yesterday, but I stayed in for awhile. When he was almost finished, I went out and picked up around the patio a bit. We sorted through a box of pottery packed up after the last sale we participated in at the old studio, trashed some things, separated out some to keep to give as gifts, and some to sell in a yard sale my aunt is having in June.  We brought three pieces into the house, a long platter that I carved with a squid design, a blue plate that Dave made, and a small handbuilt platter also made by Dave.

Because I didn't go to take the blood tests this morning, I'm going to have to go tomorrow (Sunday) morning. That means I'm fasting now.


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