Thursday, September 3, 2015

Basic Training

It was not such a busy day, but I'm not sure where most of the time went.

I slept in today--these workouts have left me exhausted!--and then when I got up, I started in on eating all the protein there is in the house (mostly eggs to start).

I did a bit of studying and some other, non-school-related reading.

I'm reading Gregory Hemingway's biography of his famous father (Papa: A Personal Memoir) and it is incredibly well written and staggeringly grueling to read. I adore Ernest Hemingway. To me, his skill was such that he made it look easy to live devoid of illusion and he was able to hew so close to the truth that he makes you forget just how dangerous the truth really is. The younger Hemingway has that same skill, but he never hides its continuously debilitating consequences from the reader the way the elder Hemingway did. It's gorgeous and awful, this book.

Here's a quote: "I shot eighteen elephants one month, God save my soul. But it's no use running when you're sick, because when you finally stop, you find you're just as sick as when you started."

That is pure Hemingway; like father like son.

In the afternoon, I started watching another movie, Driving Lessons which has one of the same actors (Rupert Grint, whose claim to fame is as Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter movies) as Into the White, which I finished watching a few days ago. Driving Lessons was fine. Basic.

Then it was time to eat some more protein (chicken) and wait for Dave to get home so that we could go out to our next workout.

Our workout today was more of the same, lunges. An hour of walking lunges with various arm movements and push ups included. We were outside again today, which I like. As we were lunging our way back and forth in front of the gym, lifting ten pound plates over our heads with each lunge, one of the guys leaving the gym said to me, "I remember those from my basic training for the Marine Corps." So there's a clue as to what kind and how much exercise we're doing with our trainer.

My knees are killing me now.

After our workout, Dave and I headed over to the Greek restaurant near the university to have dinner with my mom and aunt. I was pretty hungry by then, so I hoovered down a gyros with a side salad and patates and a couple of dolmathes from a shared appetizer plate. Then Dave and I shared an order of galaktoboureko (an egg custard with lemon sauce). I was stuffed!

I have to be careful, though, not to eat my way out of all the good work I'm doing at the gym. I mean, you can't work out enough to overcome overeating or a crap diet. So I need to start watching what I eat.

We came home after and I watched the end of Driving Lessons. I should do a bit more studying, but I'm tapped out.

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