Friday, October 2, 2015


After only a few hours of sleep, I got up early and was at the eye doctor's office when they opened. I saw the doctor who said she couldn't see anything that is causing the pain in my eye (maybe I have a metaphorical injury), but prescribed combination antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops. I filled the prescription at Costco (where the doctor's office is) but haven't started using them. My eye was feeling a bit better even before I went in and I assume that that trend will continue without drug intervention, but as I explained to the doctor, I didn't want to find myself on Saturday night wondering if I needed to go to the emergency room with an eye infection. She understood.

I like this eye doctor even though I think she is beyond cold fish. She is a frigid fish, I think, but also very competent. This is probably my fourth visit to her office.

Anyway, while I was waiting for the prescription to be filled, I wandered around Costco and picked up a bunch of the no-salt beef jerky that I like. After I left there, I came home and decided on a nap.

The afternoon moved pretty slowly after that. After my nap I did get a few small things done. I watered the garden and patio, took out the garbage and recycling, did some dishes, put away some laundry. But even that is not enough to turn the tide; The casita is a mess right now and I'm just not up to scrubbing away at it. Instead, I mostly lay around with the cats and ate beef jerky and watched half a season of Sex and the City.

But there was this, my big excitement for the day:
This little one was sitting on the windowpane when I got home from the eye doctor and so she got a ride in Dave's spider catching box. After taking her picture, I set her free on the patio near the pot of volunteer tomatoes. The next one, a black and red one, was doing a little sunbathing on one of the paving stones on the patio. The last one was in the potted cottonwood. I've never seen one like it before. It was black with a cream-colored, black dotted abdomen. Very fetching.

In the evening, as I waited for Dave's late flight to come in, I did some more chores. I washed more dishes, scrubbed down the bathroom (it needed it!), and swept. In between bouts of choring, I watched bits of Sex and the City. I'm into the episodes where Carrie turns into a jerk because she crosses some invisible boundary between 35 and 36.  Those were the days, weren't they?

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