Friday, November 13, 2015

Art Journaling

I should have been studying today, yes. But I worked in my art journal instead. Here are some pictures of the pages I've done in the past couple of days.

This is probably my favorite, a single page. That little girl (cut from National Geographic) is everything.

This is about home and marriage.

This is about dreams, education, and understanding.

This is unfinished, but I love the strange image and the Willa Cather quote. I think it might need some birds in there. We'll see.

The backgrounds are painted using acrylics from a kit of art supplies that Kelly gave me.
The acrylics are on the upper left hand side--but I pretty much decimated that supply. I seriously have, like, five of the tubes left. The art journal I'm using soaks up paint like crazy because I am too lazy and impatient to gesso the pages before I paint. Also, it's fun to just go crazy with paint. Try it sometime.

I've also been journaling in a new journal that has lots of prompts. It's called The Steal Like An Artist Journal by Austin Kleon. I kind of love it because it pushes me out of my comfort zone. Like, a lot. Which is a good thing.

The Daily Details

I had a bit of facial swelling this morning accompanied by a few hives. I ended up taking some benadryl for the facial swelling (which scares me). It helped, but now I'm still feeling a bit zombie-ish.

Last night I did something I haven't done in a while: I cooked dinner! Well, it was only some vegetarian sausages for Dave and chicken for me, frozen peas, baked sweet potato, and sliced tomatoes, but it wasn't take out. And there were actual vegetables involved. So I think I deserve some brownie points for that. (If not an actual brownie.)

Today I worked in my art journal and did a bit of the dishes, which have started to pile up again. (We never eat at home, where do all the dirty dishes come from?!) I also finished reading Diablo Cody's memoir about her days as a stripper in Minneapolis (Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper). I'm fascinated by sex worker memoirs. It's the kind of life I could never lead but which so many women do. I always wonder how and why they manage it.

Tonight we had dinner with my mother and aunt. YUM DIM SUM!

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