Sunday, November 15, 2015

Winter's Coming

Dave and I went out to lunch yesterday, to our favorite and newly re-opened home-style Japanese restaurant. The mother of the clan was in the kitchen so the food was beyond perfect. We shared vegetable tempura to start with and then Dave had tofu curry and I had tonkatsu donburi. Yum!

After lunch, we went to Satellite for lattes and so I could get a bit of studying done. I did get a bit--but only a very little bit--done. Ay yi yi. I am so far behind that I'm going to have to cram for the next three days to be ready for the exam. The stupid thing is, it's a lot of material that I have and want to know, but the exam will be the same fifty uninspired test questions from the textbook website. But so what.

Dave made red chile for dinner and we had that with some beans and tortillas. Dave had soy chicken with his and I had chicken chicken with mine. I followed my dinner up with a tofutti cutie (a dairy-less ice cream sandwich). Then I did some art journaling. I'm still enjoying working in the art journal and doing collages and such.

This morning, we woke to rain! It's been raining on and off all day and it's been quite gray compared to yesterday's blue-skied brilliance. It feels like winter's coming--and in fact, we're supposed to get a bit of snow on Tuesday. That should be fun, going to school in the snow.

There was one morning last week when Dave was leaving for work in the morning and it was freezing cold. Like, literally, the temperature was below freezing. I said to him, "Remember how we used to have to wait outside in this weather for the school bus to pick us up?" I don't miss those days. I used to hate waiting for the school bus.

I've spent most of the day in bed, watching youtube videos and avoiding news stories about Paris. I don't have it in me these days to look at the news.

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