Monday, September 19, 2016


How is it already Monday? How is it already the end of Monday?!

I could not sleep at all last night. Well, that's not true. I did get to bed around 9:00 p.m., but then I was up a little after 10:00 p.m. I stayed up because one of the cats wasn't feeling well, so I checked on her throughout the night. She's a bit better today after an expensive trip to the vet, but she's definitely not 100% better, poor thing.

Anyway, I got back to bed around 7:30 in the morning and slept until 11:00. And that was my night's sleep.

No sleep and allergies are keeping me exhausted. And then there was the vet, which was emotionally exhausting. Then we had to run across town to the bookstore to drop $181 on an unbound sheaf of paper that is passing for a textbook in a class that I am taking online. Let me say that again: $181 for an unbound sheaf of print outs that are passing for the textbook in this class. The bound hardcover is $296. And if you decide to rent it, it's around $169. If you buy it to read online, it's only $139, but there are draconian rules for its use. You can't, for example, print out or copy/paste more than 10% of the text. And I'm not sure that buys you lifetime access to the text. You might just be renting a digital copy.

I'm disgusted with textbooks and textbook prices and I'm guessing that it's only going to get worse as I continue.

Anyway, after that little shopping jaunt, Dave and I went up to visit my mother. We only stayed a short time because we had to come back and check on the cats and feed the dogs and feed ourselves (cheese omelets, leftover bulgur, salad, and a few other odds and ends of vegetables).

We got into the pool after that and I lasted about ten minutes until the mosquitoes started eating me. I got bit on one cheek and it immediately started to swell up, so I took some benadryl and rubbed some hydrocortisone cream onto the bite. After a shower, I put more cream on and it seems to be not as welt-y as mosquito bites normally get on me.


I'm ready for bed now.

But I will say before I get into bed that I got a bit of work done at the studio over the weekend. Dave threw a few new bowls and I worked on underglazing the stuff that came out of the last kiln.

This guy came out of my hands week before last and I had to dry him very slowly because his ears are so thin. He was meant to be bat-like, but ended up with a very human face. Human-ish. Then I put the suit on him.




Carol said...

Ughh, lack of sleep - I know the feeling.
That clay dude is awesome, and he looks cute in his suit!!!!!

Rosa said...

Hi Carol!

I'm blaming the Harvest moon and the sick cat for my insomnia. (For this week's insomnia anyway!)

How's your week going? :D

Carol said...

I'm blaming everything for my insomnia!!! ahhahahaa
Umm, better than last week - we're still in shock once in awhile.

Rosa said...

I know you've had a rough patch recently. I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't coming off flippant. It's amazing what we go through, isn't it? As amazing as what we can get through.

Sending you all my best thoughts!

Carol said...

Oh, you weren't coming off flippant at all!