Saturday, September 3, 2016

The More Things Change

It's been over a week since I updated. Stuff has been happening of course, but this is often a bad time of year for me, so I've been mostly sleeping through it.

This year, though, I'm in school. Classes have been going on for the last week, but I've got my first class today, a Saturday class that meets once a week from 11:30 to 2:15. I'm retaking the anatomy class that I managed to squeak by with a C in last semester. I'm capable of doing much, much better and I hate the idea of that C being the final word on my final transcript (even though I honestly don't care anything about my final transcript, really, at this point in my life--or at any point in my life, actually).

But enough with the whole "lifetime rebellion" thing.

The highlights from this past week include Dave and me going out to dinner with my mother, brother, and aunt. We went to a place here in the Valley that looks like a dive from the outside but that has world-class food on the inside. Dave and I have been there a couple of times over the years, but it's been awhile since we've been back.

And, let's see, last night Dave and I went to a planetarium show that shows, instead of stars, graphed fractal equations. It's completely nerdy and I have really enjoyed it in the past. (This time, though, the motion set off my vertigo, which was not fun. Sigh.)

Oh! And I also this past week had to go and have my eyes checked out. Everything was fine, thankfully, but it still meant a week of worry and the great delight of having my eyes dilated. (I hate that feeling because I always feel for some reason like it's going to be an irreversible change.)

So that was fun.

It's later in the afternoon and I just got back from lecture and lunch.  The class was--ugh. The lecturer was disorganized and slow and boring. But Dave picked me up after and we went for banh mi. So that was good.

I'm ready for a nap now and it's only 4:00.



Carol said...

Ahhh good to hear your eyes are okay!
Naps are the best!!

Rosa said...

Hi Carol!

If napping ever becomes an Olympic sport, I am going for the gold.
