Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Sugar on My Tongue


Hot flashes in the middle of the night? Wonder if that's a sign of anything...

So what has been going on?
I voted!

Saturday, I got to vote for the first woman president--which, let's face it, is objectively awesome--and beyond that, I went all blue this year. I'm so sick of obstruction in the government that I will never vote for a republican as long as I live--unless, after Hillary takes her ride, the next Democratic nominee is Kim Kardashian or some other ridiculous, over-privileged, no-talent reality TV celebrity. Which, after this election season, is entirely possible apparently.

Anyway, so that's done. We done voted!

After that, Dave and I went out and met my brother, aunt, and mother for lunch at a new place that my brother had heard about. We sat and chatted for awhile, which was nice. While we were there, some man who apparently worked there began digging a shallow hole in the parking lot behind my aunt's truck. I think he was trying to do some pothole repair, but he seemed to be confused and was making the pothole first? I don't know. It was weird though.

After lunch, Dave and I went to the studio for a few hours. Dave loaded a kiln while I chatted with Judi (who is recovering from a very minor surgery) and Paul. I also worked on a very small sculpture that I left unfinished.

We were planning to fire the kiln on Sunday, but that didn't end up happening.  Sunday was spent doing homework for my nutrition class, the one that I'm taking online. I'm doing great so far. I think I'm going to stop procrastinating and leaving things until the last minute (everything is due on Sunday) and start working ahead in the class during the week.

Monday--yesterday--I drove my brother's truck up to the car repair place. His truck was broken into last week. The idiots who did it got nothing but they did a lot of damage to the door lock and ignition. He should have it back in a few days, but it will cost him quite a bit of money to repair, unfortunately.

After we dropped off the truck, he, my mother and I went to lunch. I had a really good BLT with green chile and avocado on it. Then I made the mistake of getting a huge rice krispy treat on the way out. Of course, as always, I should avoid the sugar, but those things are my favorite. I came home and thought I'd eat just half--and I did--but then later on in the afternoon, I ate the other half. Sigh. I can't seem to stay away from sugar and the more I try, the more I fail.

I got a very short nap in the afternoon (my insomnia rages on and I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before). Dave came home early because we had to take Saba to the vet to have them give her the pill that she's supposed to have every three days. We had tried to give it to her about half a dozen times and had no luck. She hates the process. We hate the process. And everyone ends up getting so stressed out that its not good for any of us. So Dave called the vet and they said to bring her in. It took them about a minute and a half to do it, of course.

After that, Dave and I ran some errands. We went up to an independently owned pet food store and loaded up on cat food. Saba's appetite is way down and she is still dropping weight. It's not good for cats to not eat and lose weight so rapidly, so we are trying to tempt her with anything that she might find appetizing enough to eat. We end up opening and trying about 7-10 cans of food a day and sometimes we even hand feed her kibble since she will often eat that. Poor thing. I'm hoping the chemotherapy will make things even a little bit better for her.

After we dropped a small fortune on cat food, we went to Whole Foods and dropped a small fortune on human food. Ouch.

Then we stopped at Target and bought out their entire stock of paper bowls. (We feed Saba using paper bowls because I am not about to wash 15 cat bowls--including Gray Kitty's food--a day.) They also had pumpkins--huge ones!--for sale for $3 each, so I bought one. It rode home in the backseat of the car, it's so big. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but I do like some things about it, jack o'lanterns being one of those things. Candy being the other!

We came home and put everything away. Then while Dave was doing his stationary bike time (I had done mine earlier in the day), I made dinner, green chile-feta-onion pizzas built on pre-made pizza shells. We had that with salad.

While we ate, I placed my Sephora order--the reward that Dave had earned for me last week. I got some skincare products from Clinique and a new Urban Decay lipstick in the shade "Disturbed," a very pretty brick red. I've been trying to get my hands on it for awhile now. They were sold out at Ulta when Dave and I went there a few weeks ago. A week or so later, I went back with my aunt and they had a single one. Success! Except! My aunt liked the tester they had out and wanted to buy one and I was so shocked that my normally extremely thrifty aunt was willing to drop a dub on a lipstick that I obviously let that one go. But I should have mine by Friday. At last!

I know it's funny to talk about lipsticks, but I like them and so I collect them. Even if I don't wear them everyday, they make me happy. Lipsticks and art supplies are my main vices these days. And sugar. Always sugar.


Carol said...

We wanted to vote early today but working out a car to borrow today didn't work out! :D

And YES!! Lipsticks!!!
I wanted a brown/pink so I went to the drugstore and bought one, and then realized that I have the same shade already and it isn't brown-ish enough. Thankfully it was only two bucks!!

Rosa said...

Hi Carol!

Are you without a car? That's got to be a hassle. I am glad we got to the polls early and I hope you can too!

Two bucks? Yay! Was it a WnW? I love their stuff. A lot of times you can dupe pricier colors from them and they don't put any fragrance in, which is good b/c I'm allergic. That has ruined many a lipstick for me.

I rushed to pick out a NYX "liquid" lipstick at Target the other night and came home with a kind of peach monstrosity, way too light for me. I'm hoping I can layer it with something else to make it work. If not, I'll pass it on to my mom since she likes lighter shades.

Carol said...

Our car is on its last legs...err...wheels! It is literally falling apart - the whole driver side bumper fell off, and I could list the many things wrong with it but won't bore you!
We drive it around town as it would be easy to walk home if it dies, but to drive 1/2 hour up the road to the polling place is too risky.

Yep, WnW! The NYC brand I get sometimes, too. Ooooh I love lip color!