Thursday, October 13, 2016


The week so far:

Sunday, Dave and I went to dinner with my mother and brother. We had Chinese food, which was wonderful and I ate way, way too much.

Kelly and Kevin came home late that evening. I was already in bed, but Kelly texted to let us know they were home.

Monday--what happened Monday? I don't think anything much happened. Oh, no. I did get a notice in the mail that my nice but essentially useless doctor, Dr. Shmoo, is leaving the practice. So....there's that. I don't think he's retiring either. Who knows? We never hear the real reasons for these things.

Tuesday I took my brother to a doctor's appointment and we came home with burgers and fries, my dinner. Yum. It's been awhile since I had a burger. We made plans to go and vote (voting started two days ago here). I texted my mom to see if she wanted to come and she does, so we need to firm up our plans. We're going Saturday and then it will be done and then I can sit back and watch the world burn. We'll have lunch after. After voting, I mean, not after watching the world burn.

That same day--or maybe it was Monday?--I don't remember. Anyway, the vet called with Saba's blood test results. She does have lymphoma. It is a very treatable form of lymphoma, though, so we're seeing an oncologist next Thursday. She'll be doing a type of chemotherapy that is pill based, so that's good. Except she hates being given pills, so that's bad. But we'll have to do it.

Today we took her to the vet so that she could have a shot of B-12. The vet was worried that because she's become somewhat anorexic, that her B-12 was low, not a good state for a kitty to be in. So she gets a shot every week for the next 6 weeks. That will be fun.

This happened last night outside the grocery store. We found this pregnant little praying mantis on top of our car in the parking lot, so Dave relocated her to a bunch of bushes in the yard next to the Co-op. I love these creatures.

In other news, my sleep schedule is still in hellish territory. I think it's hormonal as I'm also getting mild hot flashes. Yay. I've been getting between 3 and 7 hours of sleep a day. I can live with 7, but 3 is not great.

And what else?

Our exercise rewards for last week have been ordered. I got a full set of 72 Derwent Inktense pencils and Dave got a new book about music theory. This week, I have a Sephora order waiting for me to hit send on and Dave has some new books he wants. We're on track this week to meet our goals, too, so that's good!

One of our other goals has to do with decreasing the amount that we eat out, which was getting out of hand a bit. So now, we're limited to three times a week. That means cooking a lot more. Last night, we made pizzas with the favored green chile, onion, feta combination. Tonight I made a pot of what my step-grandfather used to call "refrigerator soup" (everything in the fridge thrown into a pot with some broth) and we'll have that with grilled cheese sandwiches and a green salad. Tomorrow maybe bean burritos? Who knows. I like to fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to cooking!

Today I've spent quite a bit of time (too much time) on Twitter, watching the Trump meltdown in progress. (Schadenfreude is my favorite emotion.) I've got Michelle Obama's New Hampshire campaign speech dialed up to watch tonight while I do my time on the stationary bike.

Just get me to and through November 8.

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