Friday, February 24, 2017

Quick Friday Update

I guess it's time for my Friday update.

I survived another week, so yay.

This week was kind of a strange one. I got sick with a cold or something slightly more sinister than a cold that has moved into my sinuses and lungs so that I have turned into a phlegm dispensing machine. (My nose looks like I have a bad, peeling sunburn, I've blown it so much this week.) I half-way participated in a police training exercise that was meant to simulate an active shooter situation in a sporting venue. I got my period. I bought half a case of Girl Scout cookies from one of my fellow students. (That was a mistake as we have eaten half of a half case of Girl Scout cookies in, like, four days.) I had my first hands-on exam that is meant to prepare me for clinicals (which begin in three weeks). And...oh, I'm house- and dog-sitting.

Next week is a busy one. I have an exam on Monday and a mid-term exam on Wednesday, neither of which I am prepared for. (I should be studying right now.)

Between being sick and being busy with school, I have been exhausted by the end of the day. That means that Dave and I have been eating out way too much. This week has been vegan Thai food and Chinese food and vegetarian Aryuvedic food and diner food and fried-chicken (with my brother)...Too much salt, definitely, which means that my blood pressure is taking a hit, but that's the price of convenience, I guess.
My giant plate of liver with bacon and onions from the diner where we had dinner last night.

How last Friday night's dinner began, with champagne for me.

All I want to do right now is crawl back into bed and sleep until I feel better.

At night, I have that thing where I can't sleep, so I've been re-watching the Indiana Jones movies on Amazon. Some of them have held up over the years. Some of them, no.

And Saba is continuing to get better. She is eating more on her own (as well as continuing to get tube feedings.) I have seen her bathing herself twice in the last week, which she hasn't done in months. And the other morning I went to the casita to take a shower and get ready for school and she came over and started climbing all over me and purring, something she hasn't done since she got sick months ago. It is so amazing how all of a sudden she just turned the corner and became a cat again. Since she is minus one eye now, I told Dave we're going to have to change her name to Saba Katame (Saba One-Eye), which makes her sound like the villain in a yakuza movie.


Helen said...

I hope you are feeling better soon.

I am glad that Saba Katame (great name!) also seems to be doing better. Hurray for that.

I hope you can get some rest too. No advice for you there.

The food may have too much salt, but it all sounds delicious. I don't get most of those options, sad to say!

I hope this week goes well for you!

Rosa said...

Hi, Helen!
Thank you! :) I am on the mend, slowly but surely. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to rest and study and do all the things I need to do, but I'm prioritizing rest for now! (Which is directly contradicted by the fact that I'm answering you at 3:10 in the morning. SIGH.)

If I didn't have to watch my salt intake for my blood pressure, I would be so happy! I love dining out--especially when it means not having to cook. LOL.

How's all the packing and decluttering going? Moving is such a chore. I definitely don't envy you for having to do it!

Helen said...

Ack.. I hate this too. At least my DH has finally started to do a bit. It isn't enough, but it is a start. I don't know why he wouldn't do it before!

Now go and study!!