Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday Happened

Tonight we're having a home cooked dinner for once, a big pot of Texas-style chili, vegetarian of course, made with lots of vegetables, four kinds of beans and Quorn grounds. I made some cornbread from a mix, and that's what we're having. I made a huge pot of it, so tomorrow we can have chili-mac. Monday we can have chili dogs. Tuesday we can have chili over baked potatoes. Wednesday we can cry because we're sick of eating chili.

Then we can start all over again with a big pot of vegetable stew. Or something. I have to break the eating-out pattern somehow.

I was up in the night last night, so I watched a documentary on Netflix called Ballet 422, about a 25-year-old choreographer who choreographed the New York City Ballet's 422nd ballet. It was interesting and very slow moving, perfect for the middle of the night. Then I slept in this morning--or as much as the dogs would let me, which was until 7:30 or so.

I fed them, had a coffee, and let the day roll on kind of slowly. I never got back to sleep, but I went over to the casita to take a shower after Dave texted me that he was leaving for his Saturday clarinet lesson. Saba wanted to go outside, so I propped open the front door and let her wander around on the patio while I had some leftover Chinese food for breakfast, then straightened up my desk and the chair next to the door that has become a wardrobe catch-all.

Saba was miffed that I didn't want to take her out into the front yard, but I was still in my pajamas, unshowered. She protested loudly when I picked her up to bring her inside, which is great. Her protesting, I mean. She is a grumpy little thing when she is healthy, but during her sickest days she didn't have the energy to be grumpy, she was just limp and heartbreakingly silent.

I brought her in, gave her a treat and some canned food to turn her nose up at, and I got into the shower. I was dawdling and procrastinating because the rest of the day was going to be study filled and I was trying to forestall hitting the books.

Luckily, when Dave came home, he brought coffee and the idea to go out for Indian food for lunch. We went and hit up the lunch buffet at the newish Indian restaurant that we both like. It was good and I ate too much, but that's what happened when I'm faced with tandoori chicken.

Finally we came home and I sat down to study for a few hours. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the material I have to cover for Monday's exam. That's pretty good for me, actually!

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