Sunday, April 16, 2017

Photo Bomb

As I was deleting photos from my gallery, I came across these that were taken over the past semester:

I took this photo while stopped at an intersection on Friday, during the last third of my commute to school. What is going on in that photo? It was around 7 a.m., and there was a person in a creepy Easter bunny suit (I think all Easter bunny suits are creepy) waving at people in the intersection. I'm not even sure he worked for Walgreens. He turned around to talk to this woman before I could get a good picture, and then the light changed and I had to drive on.
This is Saba, now one eyed, before her last eye surgery. Dave was in the middle of a tube feeding. You can see in her face just how humorless she is. I'm sure she was annoyed at being fed and/or having her picture taken, but she is also just a generally humorless kitty anyway. She runs the show and she knows it and she expects you to know it, too.
Ah, I am fond of bathroom mirror selfies, especially ones in which I am sitting on the toilet. This is one of the tiny bathrooms for employees at the clinical site where I just finished up. You can see I'm in my white scrubs, the bane of my existence. I hate wearing white anyway, and I especially hate the mandatory wearing of white.
And to follow up the bathroom selfie, a picture of the pie Dave and I shared the last time we went out to the upscale pizza place.
And speaking of pie:  From another dinner out, Dave's favorite buttermilk pie. It's like eating congealed sugar in a sugar crust, so you know it's good.
We stopped for dinner at another upscale pizza place and I had this, an apple cider. I've lost my ability to handle liquor of any type or strength, so I shared this with Dave.
And this was my contribution to the potluck on the last day of classes. I didn't want to cook, so I bought four boxes of Pop-Tarts and took those. Only about two packages were taken, so I gave away all but one box of the blueberry kind, my favorite (those, I bought home).


Carol said...

Omg I love the bathroom photo!!!

Rosa said...

LOL! My version of the bathroom mirror selfie! XD