Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Independence Daze

It's been a week since I posted. I'm exhausted. I passed the three exams I had last week...Was it three? I think so. I have a week's respite--this week--and then another round of three exams next week.

It's week 10 of the 14 week program, so we're in the home stretch. It's all uphill from here, unfortunately.

Over the weekend, Dave and I had lunch with Judi and Paul at a pop-up Chinese dumpling place. It turns out it was Paul's 80th birthday, so we bought lunch. Then the next day, we had lunch with my mother and brother at a new place, a Salvadorian restaurant where we ate a lot of pupusas and other things. I've never had pupusas before. They're pretty darn good.

Monday I went to lecture. I look ar ound at all the people in wrinkled, coffee stained scrubs, and thought: They're all exhausted, too. One of the young women in class who I know rather well texted me at 10 p.m. one night. She wanted me to see a photo of the tattoo she had just gotten. She's in a kind of free fall. I remember those days, those feelings. Even tattoos don't hardly make a dent in them, something you only learn from experience.

Saba has been sick again this week. Last week (the week before?) she changed from one medicine to another and I'm not sure it's adequate. She's at the vet's now; Dave took her in on an emergency visit. They're keeping her overnight, on oxygen, because her lungs were sounding kind of crackly. They're also giving her fluids.


It's the 4th of July--fireworks booming all around--and Dave is on the way home from the vet.

In the afternoon, I procrastinated, avoided hitting the books to study for exams and work on a big assignment due Thursday. I talked Dave into going to get big fizzy drinks and taking a drive in the valley. I did the dishes and three loads of laundry. Finally, I worked on my assignment--I did--but I am only about 2/3 done with it. I have time yet. Thursday is a hundred years from now.

I have a pharmacology lecture in the morning though.

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