Thursday, July 6, 2017


A sad day.

Our little one is gone.
We loved her as much as it's possible to love anyone or anything, any creature. So how do we survive losing her?
Saba Y Yo
She was a fighter and we were honored to fight alongside her.
Saba, Pillow Stealer
My heart is dented now.
She was sick a long, long time. And now she is not sick anymore. We had time with her, good and bad. That's something.


Helen said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry. She had a good life with you I think. I agree with you that she isn't sick anymore, nor in pain.

She was gorgeous.

Thinking about you and her.

Rosa said...

Thank you, Helen. We sure do miss our little one. It's a sad week all around, isn't it?

Michelle said...

My heart just sank reading this post. I am so very sorry for your loss. Thinking good thoughts for you and your family.

In sympathy,

Carol said...

I'm so sorry Rosa (((HUGS)))

Rosa said...

Thank you, Carol. We are still pretty devastated around here. She was such a big presence in our lives.

I've been thinking about you recently. How are you doing?

Rosa said...

Thank you, Michelle. It's hard waking up in the morning without this little one beside me, but I try to focus on the many good days we had with her and it helps a little.

Carol said...

I'm doing okay - too much too much sometimes, you know.
You're my hero, you know that? You get stuff done! I have been procrastinating and being overwhelmed for forever.

Rosa said...

Ah, Carol! I think my blog has given you the wrong impression. I mean, I just spent six and a half hours in bed, doing nothing, watching old episodes of 2 Fat Ladies on youtube and eating chocolate, when I should have been studying for an exam I have in the morning...


Let's neither of us be too hard on ourselves. Life is hard enough as it is!