Thursday, August 24, 2017

Wednesday, Thursday

I'm back at home now, sleeping in my own bed, until tomorrow when I go off to house and puppysit again. But it'll be good to have more time at the studio to work on a new sculpture I sketched out a couple of days ago.

This morning I'm off to see the ophthalmologist, just to check my eyes, which have been problematic for a couple of months now. My old eye doctor retired--I'm sad because he was one of the best doctors of any sort I've ever had and I wanted him to continue to practice forever--so I'm seeing someone new. Because that is sometimes problematic, I'm taking Dave with me to the appointment. Turns out that doctors have a much different approach to patients when there is a tall, middle-aged white man in the room than they do when it's just a lone, chunky Latina. Who ever would have guessed that? (Although I have had some doctors who are so bad that even Dave's privileged presence doesn't bring them into line and that's how I know to find a new doctor.)


Just outside our door is our hummingbird feeder. It's hanging from a plastic clothes hanger because I could not find any wire to hang it from when I put it up. (I think all the wire is at the studio.) The hummingbirds don't care though. There are two out there this morning, chasing each other around and chittering away at one another. I love those little birds. I was watching a short youtube video about a woman in California who studies them and she described them as Mother Nature's perfect little jewels. To me, they are like pushy Brooklyn cabdrivers, angry and hilarious at the same time. (So obviously I think both descriptions are accurate.) I remember reading an article about one of Jack Kevorkian's patients who asked to keep her contacts in as she died because she wanted to watch the hummingbird feeder, in case any came to feed. And did you know that in Mexican lore, warriors who die in battle are reincarnated as hummingbirds?

I'm only incidentally writing about death this morning, by the way. Probably just anxiety over seeing a new doctor.


I'm away from home again, house- and pup-sitting for the long weekend.

The ophthalmologist visit went well. I like the new doctor. My eyes have changed from my last eye exam a year ago, so I have to return to get new lenses in the glasses that I never even wore since they were the back-up pair to the same prescription I'm wearing now. Sigh. But the good news is that the new doctor specializes in difficult contact lens prescriptions--my scrip is a doozy--so I will be returning to her soon possibly to get fitted for contacts. I haven't worn them in over a decade, so I'm kind of excited to have a new pair.

I spent part of the day with my brother running errands, then Dave and I had dinner together--Quorn, brown rice, salad, so very nearly healthy--while we watched the first two episodes of season 16 of Project Runway. I haven't watched that show in many, many years (we don't have a television and, when I'm near a television for any reason, there's usually a Law & Order marathon on and I will watch Law & Order over almost anything else) but was interesting to see all the new designers and their crazy creations.

I'm so tired now.

I have not been sleeping well and when I do get some sleep, it's all broken up into pieces throughout the day and night. I have to take the pup out for one last time, then I'm heading to bed.


Helen said...

Project Runway season 16!! Lucky! We just finished season's one of my favourite shows, and one of the only "reality" shows that I watch. I like that they are making something, that it is a show about creativity!

Hope you sleep well!

Rosa said...

Hi Helen! Project Runway FTW! I love Tim Gunn though his book revealed him to be quite snarky! I didn't see season 14--I don't think I've watched since season 5 or 6--but it is such a good show.

I did get some sleep, though it's hard to sleep in a bed that's not mine. Sigh!

Hope you are doing well in your new digs. It sounds like your mother-in-law is behaving at least somewhat!