Saturday, September 23, 2017

Never Ending

This is where it starts to get wonky: Week three of clinicals is done--and week one of my lecture classes is done.
This week was a dud of a clinical week in some ways. Clinicals are on Thursday and Friday. The hospital I'm assigned to this term says we can't start clinicals until we complete a computer training. The training class is held on Friday, so Thursday, we couldn't start on the unit. We had the choice to take the day off or to go to campus for an open skills lab. I took the day off. No surprise there, right? On Friday, I drove out to the clinical site--about a 20-minute drive--and, because we're not allowed to be on the unit until we complete computer training, sat in the cafeteria for about three hours talking with the clinical instructor. After that, I drove across town--about a 30-minute drive--to attend the fakakta ninety minute computer training class.

I came home in the afternoon and did nothing for about two hours until Dave came home. He had promised Paul some help with his computer, so we went up there. While they were working, I fed and walked Crunch and then worked in the studio for awhile.  When they were done, we came home and fed the menagerie here, then we went out for dinner (the disappointing vegetarian place) and then to Trader Joe's to pick up some groceries.

It was kind of a strange day all in all. For example: The guy who taught the computer class was named Chance. While Dave and I were feeding the menagerie at home, Kelly and Kevin's doorbell went nuts, ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing until Dave finally took the battery out. When I was working in the studio with the door open, I heard the familiar whirring sound of a hummingbird's wings and I looked up and a hummingbird was hoovering there in the studio above my table. It looked around and then flew out the open door. (Birds indoors are not a good omen. At all.) Then, as we were leaving the studio, a guy pulled his car over to ask Dave for directions and it turned out that Dave knew him. I knew him as well. The guy, who we haven't seen in over a decade, precipitated one of the worst arguments that Dave and I have had in the last 20 years.

That was Friday.

Today is Saturday and I have been studying on and off all day. It's a perfect day for it: Gray and drizzling rain. I took an online quiz (one of the three I have to complete before Monday) while I lay in bed this morning. But I'm so far behind in all my I have all of that to catch up with, the two remaining online quizzes, and two more assignments to complete by Thursday. It's never ending.


Carol said...

Hey you!
Good to hear yourl got some studio work in. xox

Rosa said...

Hi, Carol!

Then it was back to the grind.... D:
