Monday, December 11, 2017

Sunday (#4) and Monday (#5)

Sunday (Day #4)

Pajama day. Spent all day in my pajamas. Made dinner (nachos) in my pajamas. Didn't even shower. Sewed (started working on sewing reusable panty liners and pads but have yet to come up with a version that I like). Did laundry. Had a serious headache in the evening, either the result of climbing blood pressure from too many salt-laden restaurant meals or a new multi-vitamin I've started taking. Took an ibuprofen and went to bed early.

Monday (Day #5)

I actually slept through most of the night, not getting out of bed until almost 5:30, believe it or not. I fed the dogs and sat down to sew for awhile. I sewed up another reusable pad out of leftover baby blue flannel and some cotton quilting fabric that is cherries on a yellow polka dot background. I also worked on scrap quilt blocks--which are different from crumb quilt blocks, though I am actually working on both.

The scrap quilt blocks uses the absolute scraps from sewing, bits of thread, selvages, bits of fabric ranging from less than 1/2 inch long to scraps cut away from seam allowances, just things that would normally go in the garbage. (I make a pocket out of a square of muslin and water-soluble interfacing sewn together and I fill the pocket with scraps and close it up. Then I sew all over the square until every bit of scrap is held down with stitches. Then run the square under water until the interfacing dissolves. What I'm left with is a quilt block that looks like the sweepings of the sewing room floor. Dave likes them and has already requested something made of them.)

I sewed until my back couldn't take it anymore, then I got up, had breakfast and took a shower. Even though I'm not planning on going anywhere, I did my makeup because one of my goals this break is to wear a different lipstick each day. (I can do this and still have a lineup of not-worn lipsticks.) Today's color is from Bare Minerals, a crimson red liquid lipstick in the shade "VIP" that was included in the birthday gift that Sephora gave out to it's VIP members.

The day is going by in slow motion.


In the late afternoon, Dave and I went by the grocery store. We bought things to make dinner, including a pizza shell that, with a ton of mozzarella and cheddar and sliced onions on top was our dinner. (We also had a cucumber and tomato salad, for extra empty vitamins.) I made dinner while Dave worked on some things, then while we ate, we watched the end of a British quiz show ("Big Fat Quiz Show" maybe?) on youtube.

I had texted two friends from my class to find out if they wanted to meet up this week for coffee. They were both game, but one is sick as a dog and wants to wait until she feels better, and the other one has a child who is laid up after breaking off part of her elbow and having to get that all fixed up this week. Hopefully we can meet up by next weekend or next week. 

It's my last night at Kelly and Kevin's, so I had to gather all my things together, pack up my sewing machine and the associated chaos that comes with sewing (since I work on about six projects at once, jumping from one to the other whenever The Brain gets bored or stuck). I folded some laundry, did the dishes.

And so on.

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