Thursday, January 18, 2018

Cinicals, Day One

I met my the other students in my clinical group this morning. (Actually, I've met all of them before, but I've never worked with most of them either in class or out.) I like them all; there are no slackers, thank goodness.

My clinical instructor is something else. I've only ever heard good things about her from other clinical instructors and from students. She seems very straight forward, which I like, and not at all Pollyanna-ish, which is fine with me. I wonder how this is going to go, though, as her husband is at home on hospice care. (People aren't put on hospice care unless a doctor says that that they have less than six months to live.)

We toured the unit we'll be working on and made sure that we could log into the computer system for documentation purposes. Then we received our first patient assignments. My guy is...not in good shape. At all. But I guess that's why he's in the hospital. I didn't get to meet him today as there was some kind of procedure being done on him in the room. (I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but I suspect he was having a central catheter put in place). I copied down his information so that I could look up some stuff about him tonight. (I still haven't done it...)

In addition to orienting ourselves to the hospital, I also had orientation at the simulation labs on campus. This term we're doing some fakakte pediatrics stuff with a collection of mannequins that rivals the crappy robots that the Jawas tried to sell to Luke's uncle Owen in the first Star Wars movies. I swear, they are the jankiest mannequins you've ever seen. I think there may even be some duct tape involvement--repairs and such--on some of them.

I came home early--around 11:00 and got out of my scrubs and into my pajamas. I studied for awhile and then had lunch. Then I got into bed so that I could not sleep the afternoon away. I worked on some online assignments that are due tomorrow and I worked ahead on some online assignments that aren't due until late February.

Dave should be home any minute and I have nothing planned for dinner. We've been doing really well with our resolution to eat out less. In fact, we've only had dinner out three times since the new year, and two of those times were socializing plus dinner out. (One was a pizza, yes, of course.) But, man, I am not feeling like cooking tonight.


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