Thursday, January 11, 2018

Strange-Eyed and Dominant

 A long day.

I was up at 1:30 in the morning and just stayed up. At 2:00, I got up and made coffee and started studying for the exam I had at 7:00 a.m. I studied for about two hours, then lay back down to rest The Brain until my alarm went off at 4:30.  I showered, dressed, and left the casita around 5:45 a.m.

I got to campus around 6:30. It was cold and windy. I went in and sat and chatted with a few other students before the exam.

The exam was 30 questions and I took about ninety minutes to finish. I worked every problem at least twice and one of them I worked five or six times before I was satisfied with the answer.

During the exam, I tend to block out everything. But I couldn't block out the instructor as she had to shake another student awake, calling his name. He's a transfer student, new this term, and he has fallen asleep in every class so far. But falling asleep in the middle of an exam? There's something wrong with him.

The instructor shook him awake and I stopped paying attention and finished my exam.

After the exam, we had a lecture about malpractice matters. It was interesting, but after the stress of the exam, everyone was pretty burned out.

In the late morning, we watched demos on four procedures we'll be tested on tomorrow. That should be fun. And then we were cut loose.

It was early enough that I had time to come home before my doctor's appointment at 2:30. That was lucky because there was a box of new fabric delivered. The octopus print is strange and beautiful and a lot larger than I thought it would be. I figured the octopuses would be wee things, hiding out among the flowers, but they're big--twelve inches across and strange-eyed and dominant.
Gray Kitty liked them. That is the coral shade he's lounging on. I got six yards of that. I also got a yard of the same print in blue and a yard and a half (I think) in gold. (The colors have a very 60s or early 70s feel to them.)

The afternoon was putting one foot in front of the other, exhausted.

My TB test was negative, of course.

I came home, had a snack and ordered a darning foot for my sewing machine.

And now all I want is a nap before bed.


Helen said...

That is a cool print...and completely different than what I had imagined! You'd need a huge bag to do it justice, but it might work! To be honest, when I first saw it, I couldn't see the octopus, I had to really look for it. I look forward to finding out how you will use it!

And falling asleep in an exam? Yikes. Does he have narcolepsy? Working two jobs? Something must be going on there.

Have a good weekend....

Michelle said...

Gray Kitty is as beautiful as the new fabric. Such lush, long whiskers! Thanks for sharing the photo. Does he miss Saba?

Rosa said...

I do like the print, but I'm rethinking the bag because you're right, I'd have to make a bag that *I* could fit into! Maybe a sleeping bag. Lol!

I think that poor kid must be on some kind of medication or is maybe trying to burn the candle at both ends. (He's in his early 20's, so the dumb-ass age for boys!)

TGIF! Hope your weekend is a good one! :D

Rosa said...

Hi, Michelle! He is a beauty for a cat we picked up off the street, no? Lol. I'm glad you agree!

He and Saba were never really friends, though he tried and tried. She wasn't having it, tho, being far too alpha-cat for silly things like kitty friendship. I'd love to adopt another cat so that he can have a friend at home!

Have a great weekend!!