Monday, March 12, 2018

Buzz's Bath Day

Both Buzz and Crunch had baths on Saturday. We went along to help (mostly Dave) because Crunch's hips are too bad for him to jump up on the grooming table and he weighs too much for Judi to lift him up on his own. Dave did the heavy lifting and I got some puppy time in.
Buzz got some pets and played with another dog while Crunch had his bath. Then it was his turn. The whole business was exhausting.
Look how tired he is!
After Dave and I helped Judi load up the dogs and all the assorted things she uses to bathe and groom the dogs, we went to see my brother who is back in the hospital. While we were there, I ran into someone from my clinical group who works at the hospital as a med tech until he gets his degree. (He's the "Philly sidecar" guy.)

After that, I came home and we had dinner (some kind of non-wheat pasta--maybe chickpea?--and steamed broccoli with marinara sauce. Then, since I have not been sleeping well, I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and went straight to bed.

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