Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday Addendum

This morning, bright and early, I started the lecture that goes with the psych rotation. All seventeen (of the original 24 in my group) were there. That's a lot of loud-mouthed, over-achieving braggarts to deal with at 7:00 in the morning, let me tell you.

I sat with a couple of my more sedate pals, both of whom are adept at keeping their voices low while they, like me, talk smack about other people. (In such matters, I am a firm adherent to the credo put forth by Alice Roosevelt Longworth: If you can't say something good about someone, sit right here by me.) We had a short class today but we had to finish one assignment in class (and received another that's due next Monday) then after that go to the testing center to take our weekly exam--I got a 90%--and then I came home and completed yet another online quiz--I got a perfect score on that one--that was due by 4:00 a.m.

The instructor? He's like John Malkovich's poor, underfed, unsuccessful cousin. His feet are much too small for his height, which disturbs me for some reason. Maybe it's because I keep expecting him to just fall over if he stands still for too long. Other than that, my feelings about him are mixed. So I'll suspend judgment beyond that point.

I did come home and change back into my pajamas. I took the quiz and emailed the instructor about a typo on the quiz; Nothing like correcting instructors in writing to endear me to them. So what? Then I watched a few episodes of Sex & the City on Amazon. Then I had some lunch. Then I scrubbed the toilet. That was fun. That was my fun for the day.

I have tomorrow off. Wednesday and Thursday I have on-site clinicals. Friday I have to take an exam on my own time--grrrr. And there's homework. Always more homework.

It's cold today and there was snow and rain yesterday.

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