Sunday, June 24, 2018

And Then I'm Gone

I haven't written much about what's going on in America because I've been saddened, heartbroken, angry, enraged, and I don't have the luxury of time to express it. I keep having to tamp down on my fury at every single person who voted to put Trump in office because they are to blame for what's happening. They are to blame for the children who are being taken from their parents at the borders of this country. They are to blame for Trump and the republican party's destruction of our social safety net--the ACA is gutted, SNAP benefits, too. Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security are next. The people who voted for Trump are to blame for the veterans who are going without services, for the EPA protections for our drinking water being dismantled. They are to blame.

And now, there's a plan to "restructure" our federal government, to sell off federal lands that taxpayers own to private buyers, to sell the postal service to private buyers, all of it so that we'll essentially be paying taxes to private corporations. Russia did this, which is how they got the kinds of oligarchs that bought Trump.

I blame Trump voters who were too stupid--too blind, too misogynistic, too racist, too jingoistic--to see what was coming. The rest of us knew.

This is where America is headed. You think it's a joke?

Today Trump tweeted that he wants to suspend the rule of law, circumvent the court system, when it comes to immigrants. We used to offer asylum to people from war torn countries, to women who were fleeing abusive situations, to children who had nothing, but Trump has changed all that. And Trump voters are to blame.

David has a new job that is based in NYC, but he can conceivably work from anywhere since he telecommutes. I will have graduated and have my license by the end of the year. I can go anywhere in the world that will hire me. I don't plan on staying in the U.S. if Democrats don't take back the house in November and do something to stop Trump.

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