Saturday, August 11, 2018

Like Humans Do

So I actually went to the graduation ceremony yesterday. It was fine, relatively short for a graduation ceremony (helped by the fact that it's summer, when graduating classes are typically smaller than in the spring and fall). My friend Hannah, who uses her bullying powers for good and not evil, got me to go and I am grateful to her for that. 

After the ceremony, Dave treated us all to lunch--me, Hannah and her family, three other students, and one of the student's husbands. Hannah is from Kenya, as is her family of course, and one of the other students and her husband, so 60% of our little lunch party were speaking Swahili.

We came home around 2:00 and I thought I was going to be brave and stay up, but having gotten up at 2:30 in the morning and made it through an eventful morning, I ended up changing into my pajamas and napping for a couple of hours.

For dinner, we met up with Chris and Grace at our favorite barbecue place, which was fun.

When I came home, I sat at my sewing machine for a while and sewed up some rag curlers using the scraps of the white t-shirt I made the skirt out of a few days ago. I swear, I don't know where The Brain is coming from. With all the projects I have planned, it was a complete impulse project. (And it didn't work. My hair is pin-straight and hates to take a curl, so after keeping a single curler in my hair (dampened) overnight, I unrolled it to reveal a long strip of pin-straight hair.)

Anyway, now I just have to figure out what to do with this ridiculous polyester cap and gown. There's no dismantling it to use for another project because, yuck. I'll toss it or donate it, I guess.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Glad you went to your graduation ceremony! Good luck with recycling the gown...donating sounds like a good idea if you can.

Have a good rest of week!