Monday, November 5, 2018


So Gray Kitty is back at the vet with an intestinal obstruction. It's in an unusual place, so they're trying a few things before they resort to surgery. Hopefully it works. He's been through so much and has had so many surgeries, poor thing.

And that's how our day started.

Actually, that was mostly Dave's morning. I was out the door early to take my brother to the doctor and to run some errands. I did get a little shopping done while he was having the oil changed in his truck, so that was good. After, we stopped for giant fizzy drinks and a fast food lunch for my brother.

Yesterday we went by the studio and got to see Buzzy and Judi and Paul. Judi and Paul were heading out to the theater, so they left Buzz with us for awhile. He was ecstatic to see his best friend, Dave. He has a new thing where he growls at Dave when he's impatient to play. Dave played a long time with him outside, so he was pretty happy.

As far as studio work went, I started a new sculpture while Dave glazed for the kiln we're going to fire on Friday. I'm working on a large figure that may have to be done in pieces. I got about halfway up a skirt that is going to be decorated with old school Day of the Dead iconography.

[Gray Kitty update: He's coming home from the vet; Dave has gone to pick him up. We're going to monitor him tonight and hope that things improve. He may have to return to the vet tomorrow though.]

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