Friday, December 7, 2018

The Week So Far

Monday was the vet, the doctor, the flower shop, and bed. It was a rough day.

Tuesday was errands with my brother and then therapy. I cooked a big pot of beans and made some brown rice to have beans and rice. After therapy, I was too worn out to do anything, so I ate half a banana and got into my pajamas and went to bed. I woke up around two in the morning with low blood sugar, so I had a couple of tablespoons of honey and a cheese sandwich and then I went back to bed.

Today is Wednesday. I got up early and went to the co-op and bought some vegetables and milk and eggs. I resisted the chocolate, though I'm not sure why. Then I came home and talked to Dave. He is getting sick or is actually sick. It's probably a cold. After we talked, I went out and had my fingerprints taken yet again. Then I went by the pharmacy to pick up a prescription that the doctor gave me on Monday. Then I came home and scared the hell out of Gray Kitty by moving his cat carrier from my sewing table onto the windowsill. The latch on the door makes a metallic clicking sound whenever the carrier is touched and he knows that sound. He thought it meant another trip to the vet and he jumped up and ran under the bed. After awhile he came out, but he is still very wary of me. Today he seems a little better--? I hope anyway. For lunch I had beans and rice. For dinner I had a chicken breast and a tomato. I started watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix and it's distracting enough, but only okay.

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