Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Wind and Work In Progress


I'm back to trying to blog on my phone again today.  Let's see how that goes.

It's springtime here and that means hellacious winds. (I don't think the Europeans who settled here came out for the first time in the spring. Because no one could ever possibly think that somewhere with 40 mile winds would be the ideal place to put down roots.)

I go through a lot of eyedrops in spring between the winds and the pollen.

Happy spring!


Been sewing. Some pics:
I have no real way to take good pics of the quilt I finished. It's rainbow hued, half-square triangles sewn together randomly. I love that look of patchwork gone rogue.
Sometimes you get what seems like a pattern, sometimes not.
I need to toss it in the washer and dryer and then it will get that crinkly look that quilts have. It looks too new right now.

Here I was playing with scraps leftover from making the above quilt:
After that, I finished two more quilt tops that now need to be quilted. (I don't have pics of them yet.)

And now I am working on two new projects:
One, an easy heart quilt block, done with pre-cut, rainbow range of 10-inch squares and some fabric I got on clearance at the local quilt shop. (I with I had bought 3 more yards of it, too.)
And a house block that I'm not sure of yet. This one uses scraps, which is the kind of thing I like, but the houses are too regular and the blocks are so tiny (just 4 inches by 6 inches) that I'd have to make something 168 of them to have a lap/throw quilt. The Brain is not down with making 168 of anything.

I have some other photos though:

Dave and I went for Chinese food with my brother (weekend before last?) and that was my brother's fortune.
Therapy still life. (I took this photo just before our session started, while my therapist was in the bathroom.)
Buzz went to a dog show in Wisconsin and did very well. (He won best something or other, best in show, I think.) Judi sent this picture of him cleaned up, with a big bouffant hairdo hair sprayed into place.


Helen said...

I love the look of the quilt that you finished. It's very bright and happy looking! I also like the log cabin with teeth one that you have started with scraps.

Maybe a table runner with the house blocks? Or some kind of Halloween decoration? The picture makes it look a little scary!

We had horrendous winds here too, last week was quite awful!

Congrats to Buzz!

Have a good weekend.

Rosa said...

Hi Helen!

Bright and happy is not usually my way, but you know how it goes with creative endeavors. I think I may have to put those blocks away for awhile.

Here I was thinking that spring had arrived and just today it was snowing in the mountains. But less wind today, so that's good. I just want some warm weather again.

Stay warm and have a good weekend!