Saturday, June 8, 2019



I had my first interview yesterday, at a psychiatric hospital. It seemed to go well. They asked for further references, so we'll see how that goes. I hope it will be my first. last, and only job interview. If I get the position, I'll be working weekend nights (by which they mean graveyard, from seven p.m. to seven a.m.). I like working nights, but I haven't since I was in my twenties. Let's see how that goes now that I'm in my forties.

After the interview, Dave and I went out to dinner. I had gotten an email just before I left about the references and I had 24 hours to line up 5 of them. Thanks for sending that on a Friday afternoon, when I'm sure most people would rather be heading home for the weekend instead of hearing from a student they haven't seen in a year or more.

While I texted instructors I had in 2017 and 2018, I ignored poor Dave and inhaled half an order of liver and onions (mostly for the iron since I've been getting leg and foot cramps at night recently). By the time we got home, I had lined up five references (my first, third, and two of my fifth clinical instructors plus a friend who works in psych). So thank goodness for that.

Inner View

Today was a different story: All play.

In the afternoon we went to the studio and I worked on my plates. This is the Muerto Mouse one, almost finished.
This is my redhead. The left side of the hair looks darker because the underglaze is still wet. I want to add a lot more detail to her, too--freckles, at least--but the basics are there. The background color is chartreuse, one of my favorite shades of green.
This is the high priestess one. She also needs a lot more detail on her face and a background color. (But what color? Maybe I'll leave her with a stark black and white scheme. )

There's one more plate to paint, a kind of sweetheart calavera. I realized that I don't have all the colors I want to use to paint her, so I'm going to have to go to the clay store to pick up some more.

Judi's hollyhocks are in bloom. You can see them through the open studio door.
I love hollyhocks. My grandmother's yard and garden were always filled with hollyhocks and they were, along with morning glories, some of the first flowers that I ever befriended.

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