Thursday, June 13, 2019

Winding Down


The march toward becoming employed goes on. I filled out an employment survey this morning and sent that off. Hopefully I'll hear something by the end of the week. I'm also going to look into buying malpractice insurance this week for people my field. (It's reasonably priced, I think, and worth it just in case.)

What else is going on?

Therapy yesterday. I talked a lot about a dream I had a couple of days ago. My therapist, the Jungian, has an amazing approach to interpreting dreams, which meshes with many of my beliefs about dreams. I like talking with her about it. I love dreams and I love hearing about others' dreams, too.

After my appointment, Dave and I went out to dinner, to the Ayurvedic-ish restaurant we sometimes go to. Then we went to Whole Foods. I was getting tired after that. (I'm back to not sleeping well, and the lack of sleep starts to show towards the end of the day.) We came home, but away the groceries, did our bike time, and then I went to bed--only to be up half the night. (My fitbit says I got 3 hours and 21 minutes of sleep. That's enough, right? God, that's the one thing I would take from my twenties is the ability to run, nearly indefinitely, on less than four hours of sleep a night for weeks at a time.) Lack of sleep wouldn't be a problem right now (I'd just sleep later in the morning) except that I had to be up early because we're off to the doctor, both of us. (Same doctor, different reasons, but it's nice that they got us appointments on the same morning.)

What else?

I need more coffee and more water.  Whenever I'm sleep deprived I have to be careful about not overeating (my tired brain and body think that more energy can be had from eating more, which is one of the reasons that people who get poor sleep tend to carry more weight).


I came home yesterday from our appointment and got a few more hours of sleep. It's a vicious cycle, though, because then I wasn't able to sleep very well last night.

But I did manage to get six broken hours of sleep. Then I just made myself get up and move about.  I got in a shower and cut my hair (about nine or so inches off the length), which I've been meaning to do for awhile. I'd like to go a bit shorter, but I'll see how I like it this length. It falls to the middle of my back now, instead of to my waist and just beyond.

Thursday is the day that I get on the scale to see how my diet is going. I'm down 0.4 pounds this week, which I'm considering to be a triumph since it's also that time of the month and that always comes with a weight gain. Don't you love being a girl?

After getting ready, I cleaned the bathroom (most of it, anyway, as I didn't sweep and mop the floor). And I sewed a bit and worked in my art journal. Not super productive, but something.  So far.

In the afternoon, Dave went off to meet a friend and I stayed home and sewed some more (I'm working on a rainbow-hued heart wall-hanging which sounds fun but is really just a series of tedious blocks). I did the dishes, baked some chicken to have for lunches and dinners over the next few meals,  ate yogurt and blueberries for dinner and sugar-free chocolate after dinner, watched a few episodes of 30 Rock, and ordered some gifts for David's upcoming birthday.

It's almost 8:00 now and I'm starting to wilt a little bit. (Doesn't help that it was hot today!)

Here are some photos that I found on my phone, a few of the small handful of photos that I took on our last trip to NYC.

This is an applique block from a quilt in the American Folk Art Museum. What is s/he doing, do you suppose?

This striped butterfly in the American Natural History Museum exhibit posed for a long time.
That cigar store Indian greeted us at the folk art museum, as did this pale, cherry-eating child.
Her portrait was commissioned by her parents, but she died while it was being completed, and they never returned for it.

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