Monday, June 17, 2019


Our friend Paul is still in the hospital, probably will be for several days yet, but things are looking better. That's good. He may have to go to a rehab facility for a stint after he is released, but I think that will be good for him. Now it's just a matter of finding a good place. That stuff is never easy.

This is a piece I've been working on. My pride month piece, maybe? It's just a quilt top right now, stalled. I may turn it into a wall hanging or add onto it and make it into a larger quilt. I don't know. I tend to get things to this phase and then let them just stay in this phase.
This is a lion from a carousel. It was carved around the turn of last century and now sits in a museum in NYC.
What else is going on?

I went to urgent care today because my ear has been bugging me for awhile now. The doctor there thinks it might be an ear infection, so I have some antibiotics now. That is, I have to go pick them up from the pharmacy in the morning. I hate taking antibiotics. (I hate taking drugs of any kind, actually.)

Dave and I had dinner last night with our friends Glen and Kathleen. We went to a Middle Eastern restaurant and had some really amazing hummus. I also ordered a gyros and foul madammas, which I normally like, but I didn't really like their version of it. We had an early dinner, but it actually ended earlier than we planned because they were closing early because it was father's day. They didn't tell us that they were closing early until they had been closed for 15 minutes, which sucks, but we vacated as soon as they told us. I would go back there, though, since the food was really good. There is also a small grocery attached to the restaurant and they had some interesting looking things there.

Tonight we had dinner with our friend Judi. We went for cheeseburgers and fries since the Chinese place was closed. I don't think she's been eating too well since Paul has been in the hospital, but we did our best. We'll take her out for Chinese later this week.


Helen said...

I really like your quilt so far. It is very cheerful. If you are a wallhanging person, it could be that, or a quilt might be nice as well. I also tend to get so far on projects and abandon them.

It is nice of you to take out your friend...when F was in the hospital it meant a lot to me when a friend came into town to visit me. One of my oldest friends reminded me to practice self-care and it really did make a difference because I forgot that I needed to do that!

Have a great week!

PS...I hope your ear thing gets better soon. Not fun at all.

Rosa said...

Hi Helen, I read that you had kind of a scary day! Hope everything is fine in your neck of the woods.

It's no fun having family in the hospital. It's just a constant worry that wears down your spirit.

Thanks for the well- wishes. I am hoping to get rid of this ear problem soon. Ugh!

Have a great week! And an earthquake free one, hopefully!