Monday, July 1, 2019

Just Stuff

Yesterday was Paul's birthday, so we took him some flowers and a card and visited for awhile. He had had a steady stream of visitors all day, so we didn't stay too long. After, we went to the studio and I worked on my plates and Dave trimmed the pieces that he threw a few weeks ago. We took a break in there to take Judi out to dinner, to our go-to Chinese restaurant. She is stressed and overwhelmed by Paul being in the hospital, understandably so, and we tried to take her mind off it a bit, although all we really talked about was Paul's situation. Sad stuff.

Anyway, at the studio, I painted the background and some of the marking on the face on this plate.
On this plate, I painted the heart an outlined some of the face. I stopped before outlining the red hair because I wasn't sure I wanted to do that in black.
Despite its being a lazy one, the weekend seemed to fly by. It's Monday already. (How?) I am still waiting for a formal offer from the HR department at the hospital. I dislike dealing with HR departments. They know that they are answerable to no one and they often act accordingly. 

In other news, I'm finished with my antibiotics and there are some lingering effects from that that, sigh, I just don't want to deal with. My digestive system is thankfully on the mend at least. 

I've also still been reading lots. I actually read a Danielle Steel novel, Sisters! The first Danielle Steel novel I've ever read. I'd give it a solid C minus, gradewise. But it was cheap on kindle, so I decided to try it. The woman churns out books like a factory. She reportedly writes them in 2-3 weeks--and they read that way. There ain't a lot of thought going into these books; there's a lot of "tell don't show" in them though. On the other hand, who can argue with her financial success? One article I read about her says she got a sixty million dollar advance for a five novel deal. And people do read them (each novel sells between four and five million copies). They are easy reads and not without their charm. So there's that.

I also re-started Shrill by Lindy West, but now I remember why I abandoned it in the first place. She has some important things to say and she is often very humorous, but she is kind of like the friend who never changes the subject and runs over the same old ground again and again. I get it, Lindy West. Jeez. So I'm not sure I'll finish it. Again.

I kindled an excerpt from Trevor Noah's autobiographical Born a Crime and I'd like to read that, but it's $15 on kindle and--I just looked--I can get a copy of the book for $8. How does this make any sense? I started noticing that, unless the book has been around for a long time (and the Steel I read was 15+ years old and only cost $9 on kindle) that the book is often cheaper than the kindled version. Not cool.


This week Dave has Thursday--4th of July--off and then his birthday is a handful of days after that. We're not planning on going anywhere, but I do have some pressies for him (including a couple of surprises). So that should be fun.

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