Saturday, June 29, 2019

Lazy Day

A very lazy day was had by all. We barely left the house today and I spent most of my time reading. (I did a bit of sketching in my art journal and a bit of sewing and I prepped a couple of practice quilt sandwiches using some more orphan quilt blocks, but nothing that took too long.) Dave slept in very late for the first time in a very long time, and then he played video games much of the rest of the afternoon.

We had pizza (Dave) and a salad (me) for a late lunch, which was about the only reason we got out of bed and g0t dressed--not that we went to the restaurant, we had carry out and Dave went to pick it up and I took a shower and got dressed while he did.

After lunch, we did a bunch of laundry and hung it outdoors. It was so hot out (98 degrees or so) that by the time we got to the third load of laundry (about ninety minutes later), the first load of t-shirts was dry so I folded them and brought them in to be put away. Summer is here, y'all.

In between loads of laundry, I read.

Last night, I read Loving Lindsey: Raising a Daughter with Special Needs by Linda Atwell. This morning, I read For You, Mom, Finally by Ruth Reichl. Then I went back to the kindle store and downloaded a bunch of samples. I finally settled on a book by a woman named Meredith Masony called Scoop the Poop: Pick Your Battles, which I'm two-thirds of the way through and, meh, it's only okay. (It's a lot about the mixed joys of motherhood, which, yawn.) After this, I'm going to read Shrill by Lindy West (which has been sitting on my bookshelf for quite a while) or Serious Eater by Ed Levine. 

In between loads of laundry, we also went out and picked up some drinks. I'm off the fizzy drinks since the gas makes my unhappy guts even unhappier, so while Dave got a fizzy drink, I got a large iced water and mixed up some fruit punch (my guilty pleasure) when we got home. We also brought home a bag of ice.

I got on the bike and did 35 minutes while watching youtube videos (the only time I'd gotten on my computer all day) and now Dave is on the bike doing his time (and also watching videos).

That was really all the excitement I could stand. I'm back in my pajamas now, waiting for this last load of laundry to finish. (It's just my enormous, fuzzy bathrobe, which needed a bath itself.) It's dark now and the clothes that are hung outside will have to wait until tomorrow to come in.

In Paul news, we did go to visit him yesterday and he was tired from his physical therapy and a parade of visitors, so we didn't stay long. On the way out, I texted Chris and Grace to see if they wanted to meet up for dim sum and they did, so we did. Dave and I had plans to go out and run some errands after dinner, but those fell by the wayside. Instead we came home and got into our pajamas.

Dave texted Judi a bit ago to ask how Paul was doing today and things are going okay. It's his birthday tomorrow, so we'll go by and wish him a happy birthday, maybe take a card? Some flowers? I don't know. Then we're taking Judi out to dinner. At some point, I'd like to get back to the studio. I have work in progress and we're planning on firing a kiln sometime soon. Maybe. (We've been planning that for about two months now.)

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